Tail's of The Crimson Claw- Chapter 1
She could feel the eyes of the bridge crew on her as the lapin turned and plotted the course.
The Sphere (chapter1)
"attention crew of the aurora borealis, this is your commanding officer for this voyage, admiral stanforth.
The Breederette - Stable tables
The sounds of their bodies slapping together being captured by the camera crew.
The Perks O' Piracy
The captain, a stern but handsome lion, steamed at his new crew. it hadn't been the first time that his poor lady blitz was cloyed by some churlish excuses for a pirate crew. still, he was stuck.
Blazing Bullet
Needless to say, neither the low rumbling voice of his crew mate, nor how he addressed his crew mate rang any alarm bells in the changing man's mind.
Expedition 1910
I also recommended that the entire crew drink as much water as possible. captain ross grunted and said, "lucky we're trapped in ice then. i'll have the crew melt some of it so that we can drink it.
16 (DSV Nautica) Incursion
She paused and turned back, looking in the direction of the crew members. this was a good opportunity. she took off running after the crew that she had dodged. she caught up with the crew, whom were working in a small control room with some others.
The Ship
Another order was given and the crew parted, revealing what could only be their captain. he stood head and should above even the tallest horror. unlike his crew his body seemed unadorned with the spoils of their victims.
A Stowaway Jinx
Your crew do, too. i dare say those who led me up here are already hoping it to be so." sure enough, upon looking back at his crew, he saw several tents pitched in the cloth of their britches. "_heat_?"
Hearth Star: Blackman's Revenge
To engineering, crew quarters, the galley, med-sci, and life support.
Setting Sail
All crew members are to be topless, and no men can become part of our crew." she wrote it down. "the second rule i want to add is standard among other pirate vessels. no prey, no pay." the lioness added.
The Pirates of Jahaliya!
\*\*\* the crew surrendered.