Independence Day in Devout America

A notable example of this was recorded in july of 1997, several months after the revenant party-controlled federal government declared power.

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Memorial Day in Devout America

Although the two previous days beforehand are not technically considered national or federal holidays, devout american families typically celebrate saturday and sunday as being part of memorial day.

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A doctor's crappy day part two

Usually for those who are linked to the federation slave trade i kill." to which dr. hyde shutters for the voice of that cat he remembers well for is the voice of. storm in my ass. the man who took down many of the worst beings in the federation.

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Customer Service - A Para-Imperium RP

"are you from the federation? is it... worth looking into, you think?"

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Universe of Conflict-Chapter 01

She was theirs that day but failed... she fought 4 pilots for 10 minutes till federation police could assist. herself injured slightly, but the ship near destroyed.

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Aftermath 1-3

Yet, during this time the original federation, northfleet federation, had been overturned by the renada united, re-naming the new federation as federationone.

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Know Your Enemy

"the federation tracks time similarly," the construct continued. "we use _tics, marks, revs,_ and _cycles_.

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Awakening the Giants

But the strategy of strapping federation technology onto an alien weapon, not to mention a race that was pre-warp, was a blatant violation of federation axis policy.

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Inside the Chinese Room

Program loaded: 10/8/1853+-.004641 federation calendar, 13.50 local time. initializing drivers: audio input/output online visual input online searching for users. designated user #0001, save facial recognition data.


Coyote and the Wolf, part 6

Lupo was captured by a unit from the federation main force, and because he is a wolf, will be taken to the nearest federation city to be questioned and investigated before any judgment is made. knowing the federation as i do, this will take months.

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1.8 - Twice Shy

You will go down in history, rodent, as the fur who destabilized federation power," the wolf spat. "i didn't know the federation was founded with 'power-grabbing' in mind. i'll have to re-read the charter." "you are exiled. you are dead."

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