Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 30

Thick runners of brownish, chicken bone-flavoured drool ran down his chin. "tryin' to wake your friend?" the chewer gave dorin's leg a little tap with his foot. "sorry, but he's been having a really rough day. best to let him sleep. best to be...

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A Summer Treat

D-different flavours. different shapes. d-different _sizes_. because, h-holy shit... heatwave or not? you, and steph too once she's had her turn, are gonna want to do this again!" by jeeves like my stories?

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12 Vores of Christmas, Tenth Vore of Christmas, Bear

The bear then slowly opened his large maw and began to stuff the raccoon's head into it, as don felt the warm moist mouth of the bear, the thick drool that coated his fur and the bear tasted the chocolate and other flavours from the snack, the raccoon didn't

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She's Such A Tease - A Shower of Urges Pt. 5

It was a raspberry flavoured douching kit. he assembled it quickly and inserted it into her clam. he pushed the liquid that smelled strongly of raspberry into her pussy.

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So yeah, my dick was covered in strawberry flavoured lube. and he was licking away, and jerking me....i decided enough was enough and told him to lay on the locker room bench, this whole time we had not turned off the shower...

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Messy Females

She replied, letting out a fishy queef from her hairy pussy, zoe licked her lips and opened her mouth "yum....tuna flavoured" he said, stripping off her clothes to let out another eggy fart from her bare tailhole, scarlette pretty much did the same and let

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Grant's Rampage 1.1

Wandering down what is commonly known as eatery alley, he is almost instantly assaulted by the sights, sounds and smells of dozens upon dozens of different flavours of food from asian, mexican, america and all sorts of fusion foods.

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Frankie meets Chad

Covers all his dick and most of his balls, then terns round pre still drippin down his wet muzzle, and kisses chad, chads eyes shoot open, with the taste of himself, frankie unsurprisingly has already tasted his own ass before, but still love the blend of flavour's

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Foxtail Elementary: Chapter 5

, the knot that continued to swell inside of the bunny's body was an extremely painful adjustment, but was easily soothed as the malamute began softly bucking his hips, his muzzle moving up to meet the bunny's, pressed together in a lustful and dirty cum-flavoured

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The Gift

You think the best thing i could think up for a one-year anniversary is, like, fucking strawberry-flavoured underwear? i'm hurt." he hung his head in mock sadness, and the dog barked in amusement. "alright, rein in the anguish there, potato.

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Delicious Dessert

It brings back nostalgic memories, the flavour itself seemed very reminiscent of figy flavoured candy floss, her favourite flavour, spice, satisfied her taste buds letting the tail slide in at a halting rate, to allow the vixen to enjoy the fluffy goodness

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