Les Salon de Petite Morte - Chapter 1

The first, and fairest, warning I can give you is that the following story is a My Little Pony fanfiction. The second warning I can give you is that there is no sex in it. Don't worry, the sex is coming, and hopefully you will be too, but for now I am...

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My Life is Super Profiles: The Great Liftramo

So she took him from the wings of arcturus the hound of death and petitioned for his soul. the shin-kami was curious about liftramo's fate but was no so easily swayed.

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Lord of Anthroan Chapter 3

Luckily he only had to wear it once a month on petition day. "you are as vain as a siamese," sounded a voice from the direction of the door. "i have to be, in addition to emperor, i am also god," tocar said laughing.

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Morbiyus chapter 6

L'ours cria de nouveau, et sa langue s'allongea, devenant pointue, avec un petit trou au milieu. matthew n'osa plus bouger. des lignes courbã©es apparurent sur le torse de l'ours, qui bougã¨rent, formant une sorte de tatouage tribal, puis au dos.

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Burdens - Chapter 75: Tension

Send up a petition, i don't care. this is my team and they are my players. i know what's best for them, so put that through your thick skull and learn to accept that you can't get everything you want."

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The Human Species Ch.94 - Competence: Industry vs. Inferiority

petition for a moat - rejected. oh no, what's this? apartment 151 'renovation'? i suppose that one could wait. really need a break. let me work things out while on the way to the stash, i'll feel more relaxed once it's done. maybe? hopefully.

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Feeding the Ducks

"look at me," she slapped her round belly with her paw, "i'm exactly the kind of fur they petition to keep out of that place." "oh, come now, " he put his paw on her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek.

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Chapter 8: "It's simple, We Corrupt Him"

Quoniam pervenerunt peccata eius usque ad operandum sic obsistat petit nostris membris magister.1" " he heard from behind. turning around, he saw a fellow servant of team phoenix, dressed in a cassock as white as the freshest snow."

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Une histoire simple 0.5 (français)

La simple pensée de la scène faisait un petit effet à fj. tournant le coin de la rue, les deux garçons passèrent devant une maison de briques rouges, au toit plat, un peu cachée derrière une haie d'arbustes.

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The Royal Apples - Part VII

"that stupid petition was only our way of gaining an audience with the princess. you were supposed to present your evidence to celestia." "yes, i was...

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Wind of Change: Chapter 4

He led a campaign to return his people back from slavery and petitioning the freedom to endragas like himself. problem is, he hasn't got anywhere on trying to find a good term with other kaf'raks."

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Star Sapphire: Prologue

Perhaps the fetus wouldn't be viable at all, and he could file a petition for spinsterhood.

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