[Kraskits - Generation Zeros]

- [war] mechanic, repaired equipment - [siege] sapper, sabotage and sapping - [fall] died during bombardment **ryan shep'eria ["zero eight"/"the pilot"]** - specialised in aerial/space combat - [war] pilot, dogfights and bombing runs, died **samantha


Starlight Parts 1 and 2

Life support systems are down however, meaning you are going to have to leave the ship while repairs are underway."

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Amplifier Saga--Chapters 1 and 2

I'll see how far i can get tonight on the repairs to hir nervous system." \* \* \* \* \* a frown is on kurwain's face. it's clear to her that the damage to the nervous system can not be fully repaired in any small amount of time.

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Chapter 3. His origin is revealed.

"in order to prevent cultural contamination, all our survey vessels are designed to self destruct if they crash beyond repair" harrll replied.

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Red the hunter: saddened days part2

Minute after chilling minute past as they slowly placed the repaired bones back into place. the enire arms, and legs followed suite before they slowly began to add the repaired organs.

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Dinosauria- Chapter 10- Filling Out The Ranks

He watched more of the nanites spread out from the spikes in a black curtain over the damaged portions of the ceiling and begin to repair it.

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A Fresh Beginning: Chap 1

It turned out that the longer you waited after the initial injury, the more agonizing the repair process was.

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an endless voyage ch 44

A week after that, repairs were nearly complete to excalibur, and the mining ship was coming along nicely too.

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StarFox Universe [R]aid: 02 Claws and Feathers

"you can still fly but i can request a repair ring get dispatched to fix the wing. the nanites will have it repaired in about five minutes so you'll have to work with what you have til then." "alright, damn. gotcha."

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File #13 - "Epilogue"

Republic after we have completed repairs to the vessel. the u.s.s.

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Guardians: Alethia Prologue

I'm going to deploy the repair workers immediately to try and repair the ship but it will take some time." he said. quinn nodded and coughed up a few specs of blood. "unfortunately connor, you may be here by yourself for those repairs.

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