Ragnarok - XXI

As shane followed with his eyes he felt something grow taut beneath his lungs and through his whole body there rushed the now familiar weightless feeling.

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Fae's Secret: Chapter 3 (Patreon Premium)

Fae snapped the book shut that she had been holding and let it drift away weightlessly into the air before approaching. she knelt down and took up a small dish of bliss honey and a wide mouthed vial before she crossed the threshold of the safety circle.

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A Dose of Honey

As if it was weightless, the okapi raised her glistening golden tail, the massive limb curving to avoid the bat for the moment as yards of pale underside were exposed to caudle. asali chuckled a bit.

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How I Found it All: Part III

I felt like i was weightless and the visual sensations were incredible. pretty much every shade of every color flashed around me all at once, seemingly in an endless dance, almost with order amongst the chaos.

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Chapter 5 ©

Taking her hand and kicking out the front door with her weightless next to him. "where to now, the mall. wal-mart or what?" "the mall would be best, has more of a selection on the girl products." she says looking around.

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A Year to Remember (part 3)

I like the feeling of light-headedness from the steam it makes me feel weightless. i smile inwardly as i picture mr. gnoll's face after he ate my pie. my face started to burn and my stomach fluttered.

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Chapter 11: Cleansing and the Celebration of Life (Part II)

Kira wrapped her arms around him and sat on his lap weightlessly. "it feels so good! you were right about everything, kira!" rowen kissed her.

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As Your Voice Fades | Part 1

Everything seemed to go in slow motion and he kept spinning and spinning until he felt weightless for a moment ending with a hard knock to the head.

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So This Is What Existence Is Like: A Tentacle Autobiography

We hefted felekar off the ground and suspended him practically weightless in our grasp, then carted him back into the lab. now that he was asleep, it was much easier to gather information. we learned of his work, his deal, his lab, and of our origin.

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Free Kick

For a moment, the male marveled at his sudden weightlessness -- and then the pain hit. agony. agony. a. g. o. n. y. a nuclear blast of nausea tore through his abdomen, raw and hot and wet.

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Three Heads are Hypnotized Better Than One

It was if her side heads were floating, weightless and quiet except for the pleasant tingling. that sense of alarm, of being trapped slowly grew as her heads drifted deeper and deeper into their entranced state, and she let out a soft whimper.

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Draconic Beginnings (03)

Quster whipped and writhed in the air as a weightless sensation fell over him, the ground hurtling up frighteningly fast. he was overwhelmed by a primal terror and a deep conviction to live.

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