The Prince of Vara - [Chpt 4]

"the main course is smoked salmon, i know you probably served quite a bit of it before, so you'll have to tell me how it pleases you." "yeah, i have served it quite a bit before."

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Out of Water - Part VIII

The human admitted, enjoying the salmon tremendously as nyrina listened while looking out the window with a grimace, "the smell alone of your mother's cooking would make folk come to investigate from miles around.

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Taste of Fire: People of Interest

Qagan waited patiently for everyone else to get their choices before choosing his personal favorite, salmon. teya had chosen a simple trout. temin and pavati chose some tuna that seemed to dominate the entire plate.

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Chapter 11- Hiding in Plain Sight

They find a food vendor and order some smoked salmon. "watch this." adinia whispers to her companion after the bronze dragon-born humanoid turns around to grab their order. "so, that'll be 50 silver pieces."

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Second Chances

"soon, i was just topping the salmon. where will you be eating sir," zak said, almost burning himself on a hot pan. "i think we should all eat in the den." daniel smelled the salmon and gave a smile of approval.

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We had barely put a dent in the enormous fish; i had a feeling we were going to have plenty of salmon omelets, salmon burgers and smoked salmon to eat in the near future.

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Dancing With Fire: Chapter 23

He shook his head and refocused on the salmon he was working on. once the fish was in the oven and they'd finished cleaning up, he and millie went to set the table. they set up two places for themselves, then a third just in case.

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At Leo's House

We have yuca frita just out of the pan, with a bit of dried salmon. jenna's idea!" "and quite delicious on its own!" mr. alvarez concurred, rising from his table to ruffle sydney's hat and hair. sydney reluctantly did so.

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Open Season Chapter 40: Strategy

After a quick dinner of grilled salmon and salad, kel and i needed to get ready for work. the phone rang... "coona residence, gwen speaking." "gwen? it's me, cassy...i just wanted to thank you and kel for _everything_you guys did for me.

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Camera Eye: London

To cure his restlessness, the vixen loaned him the book she was reading walter scott's "ivanhoe"- in her mind olivia could see traces of rebecca in herself and her wonderful knight in shining armor (or in this case outlandish salmon-pink jacket and pants)

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My Land and My Lover...

With her pale, salmon colored tail wrapped around his the contrast between them was striking. her coloring, light and airy, seemed just perfect to him. she reminded him of a wood nymph the way she always seemed to float over of the air.

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A Forest Tryst

Her speckled, salmon scaled tail pushed her through the cool grass effortlessly. her eyes tracked the movements of the young farm boy as he worked away, lost in some distant thought as he flowed through his daily routine.

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