Shadow of a Freelancer Ch 20.) Desperate Actions

desperate actions. when you see "\" like this with \< \> on either side it's being translated to english for the readers.

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Dragons and Humans: A comfy night OR Changes 1.5

Now noticeable desperate she spoke into jake's mind to wake him up softly. - jake! jake, please wake up. - but he didn't react. keyly's legs trembled now continuous. jake had still his head on her neck, making her immobile.

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This is my first story...I don't know why I'm posting this here, maybe it's a cry for attention or something but this is practically me, sorry for posting this and upsetting anyone....I'll probably be taking it down.... * * * _"Why am I here?"_ I...

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The Lead Crown: Ch 4c, Reversal of Fortunes (Pt 2)

Tranquil Waters: The Lead Crown Ch 4-2, Reversal of Fortunes The initial charge into the front of the building had been led by Alarice and Inigo with Alvis folowing along a good number of steps back. Weisen took Joshew and Roland in through a side...

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Elise... Captured. part 1

She tried desperately to make her body obey her brains command but she couldn't.

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A Surprise of Epic Proportions - Part 4

I urged desperately. woof! woof-woof! the sudden barking of a dog caused us both to freeze instantly. a chill went up my spine. had we been spotted? i turned around to check, but everything looked the same.

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Noir Romance Chapter 2

But i manage it, cough a bit, and speak her name like a prayer of desperation. she tries to glance at me but marty places a hand on the back of her head.

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A Surprise of Epic Proportions - Part 3

She shouted desperately as she compulsively lifted her giant body off the ground with her strong legs, then let herself crash back down on her ass. "hold on for just one more minute!" i refused to believe that the battle had already been lost.

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late night madness

Here I sit the broken shell of a man, I try to sleep but the waking world shall not set me free, all I am is trapped by my insanity. I close my eyes and darkness there, hopes and fears and pain beyond anything I have to compare it to. Alone, sad...

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Change. What defines change, Is it something unique, Or otherwise special? Can a person ever really change, Can one honestly admit that they aren't the same, That somehow something snapped, Or that some switch was flipped? Will I myself...

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Problem Solving Potion

Despite the desperation of the situation the raccoon still couldn't stand to think that anyone else knew what he needed to do.

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Merchant Milking for Profit

Tags: m/m, feral dragon, size difference, elephant, cock milking, desperation, masturbation, dripping, horny, public, exhibitionism,

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