The Lovers: Perfect Night

The deep baritone of his roar mingling with her soprano, a vocal representation for their current state. part of her mind, realized how loud they were like this, but such voices of reason mattered little in the throes of impassioned lovemaking.

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Talking Business

"looking for legal representation for a series of nightclubs. could be good after..." she trailed off. "well you know." arctic sighed and skimmed over the information. "yeah, i could use some good news.

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Plants, plants and more plants.

Paper was produced, and managed a rather realistic representation of the creature. then i explained with my diagram what had happened next, and how we destroyed it. arachno nodded as i explained how simba had found out about the acid. "i see.

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The White Robe Chapter 21

Jennifer nodded again and laughed at corbett's representation of their attitude. "all right, richard," she said, "where are we going?" "duke said you can come and stay with him a while.

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Solipsism XIX

"you two are just like the symbol on your arm guard, a representation of two forms, dominant and submissive. she is dominant and you're submissive, which is fine, you help achieve balance."

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Within another's life (short story)

It is in a way a living representation of me as a person." she said, her smile fading. "you are stuck alone in this world. not meant to understand the world around you. for what you live in here is not bad.. though not what you know it should be.

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Puddle's Camping mis-Adventure

This one is a written representation of puddle's camping adventure which was an oc drawing between puddle and synx.

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Ander - Part 2: Subchapter 29

Real life foxes give birth very quickly, so i feel the above scene is a reasonable representation of what an anthro birth might be like, with both human and animal aspects.

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Behind Yellow Eyes: Chapter 9

Our destination appears ahead, growing larger as the representation effectively zooms in through eighty light years of distance.

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Void Incursions Chapter 1: Contact

The representation that was korrella was a tall, majestic lioness that wore nothing but simple cloth strips around her body in not only in places that were demanded to be covered, but around her wrists and ankles that were just a simple white color.

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The Royal Secret part 11: Affectionate Play

"really, it's an archaic throwback; a way to ensure the nobility stays loyal to the ruler by making them feel like they have some control," rachel snorted at the thought, "the legislature is the primary representation for the people now, there isn't a need

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Top Slut of the Arena

Admittedly, one was a more proud representation of it than the other. one was black, the other white. one had wings, the other didn't. one was tall enough to match most stallions, and the other was barely tall enough to match an average human.

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