Episode 1: Runaway Lion

[scene dissolves to the exterior of the hospital. then we cut to a hospital room while sora is in bed now wearing a patient's uniform and a cast on his broken leg. sora opens his eyes and sees the doctor.]

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But after hours of the unrelenting assault you realize that your will has worn down, your resolve has dissolved, eroded away by the never ending crash of the waves. ground down to the finest sand and then, at that lowest point, you give in.

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-- network nihilist --

Spreading thinner and thinner until it dissolves completely binary blobs of simulated bukkake fill the virtual space and your dna is collected in a gutter an aimless dataflow to be drained down some place

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A Special Massage (Ch. 15)

He laughed as his 'body' faded; his essence dissolving into nothing to illustrate this fact. his "cum" likewise melted, dissolving into her and khaesho; they were already soaked with his being, a little more wouldn't change anything.

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Poem: Double Life (of depression)

Into a dream world i dissolve. some may say i lost resolve. into a trap door, i did fall. shortly after, i began to bawl. no one noticed me, i was small. the place as foreign, as nepal. there i could be happy and carefree.

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Heavy is the Head

She watched the figures grow smaller and smaller in the pre-dawn twilight, slowly dissolving into the distant monotony of the northern plain. sid left the words to hang in the air - some questions unworthy of an answer.

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Dear Clip, Chapter 1

It's set in a post-apocalyptic world where america has been dissolved into disputed boundaries and is only held together by violence (oddly enough) and large walled compounds that house many of the countries remaining citizens.

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Friday Party (Repost)

Arriving there, they don't have much to react, the acid fast works on them, dissolving them transforming them in nutrients to feed the majestic form of the kitty.

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Embrace of the Rexinnae

The goo instantly started to dissolve the fabric until the symbiote's body was finally in contact with the bare flesh underneath. both creatures joined now physically and mentally.

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She made a sign with her hand (it might have been my imagination, but i'm sure i heard a rattle being shaken somewhere), and her body dissolved into a black smoke, blowing in my face on the wind.

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Chapter 2--=>New Discoveries

"well i can shove things into my cock and when they reach my testicles it just dissolves, but i don't. oh and your going to need a new twelve pack of toilet paper." "why where is it?"

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Derrick the Swallower of Worlds Ch. 5

It was quickly dissolved, adding the to supply. but that wasn't enough for derrick. he wanted release. and he was nearly there. he felt himself teetering on the edge, nearly thrown into complete pleasure, but he needed an extra nudge.

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