The Wilds Behind the Walls

It was a preservation case. these cases were enchanted with magic that made them and anything in them immune to rot and decay. while rare in the wilds, many were used in the cities to preserve everything from food to valuables to anything.

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The World We Live In: Chapter 29

"there are tons of food in this place, mostly preserved. for a minotaur like me, some vegetables are enough. but, since you have found this place, i guess the lock is no more, huh?"

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Ember Chapter 1

It preserved the meat, so although half a day had passed, it was safe to eat. it had taken a lot of effort to prepare and cook; he had made a makeshift spit out of thick branches and rope.

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Prosperity and Darkness Chapter One

The worst part about being alone, stalking through the preserved ruins of a town, was the loss of everyone she loved.

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Forward unto Dawn

We preserved his body, using simple factors, he is whole, just his heart is dead; it stopped on command, why would a body command that? was it his time? sorrow tells me no. i have much work to do.


On a Rail - sf3p0x1 commission

Relics from days gone by still dotted these mountains; preserved by the dry environment. old timbers still stood at abandoned mine-entrances, preserved by the dryness of the environment.

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As james was waking up, he took some preserved food out of his pack, and ate his breakfast. kate and syrris when out hunting for whatever creature they can find and make a meal out of it.

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Chapter 2 Don't Go

Wychowlcastle was considered holy ground, and those who died on holy ground were preserved in the form of a document and a small box of their most treasured possessions.

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Ecstasy or Oblivion - Session 6

The rest of the land area of the ring, save for two kilometers near the rim on each side, was a preserve for southeast asian species. one could fit the entire nation of albania on this station if it was rearranged to fit.

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Winding paths.

He found a butcher's and proceeded to buy a reasonable amount of meat, preserved as well as fresh, knowing he may need some for when he next travelled.

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Marcus Lane - Chapter Thirty Three

"are you not going to preserve this place?" arabella asked not-dad. "this wolf says you're going to burn it down." "burn it down?" arseny repeated. "where did you hear such nonsense?"

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Protecting the Line, Draft 1, CH 33

"i don't have the equipment needed to preserve it." "don't worry about that, get me the bags you'll use and i'll put a phrase on them to preserve it." he pointed at me. "you need to drink as much fluids as you can, and have sex.

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