Ingress 5

A low whimper left the unicorn, and one of her hoofs slipped down to press between her legs, and she shuddered. "fingers a-and you can mate for five full minutes?" the unicorn whispered, her tone awed and delighted. "that is so hot!"

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A Gentle Soul

Wrapping his arms about the unicorn's sleek neck. "a..." the mental voice cracked, muscles tense against his form. the unicorn throwing her head as she bucked, "alone!"

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Fates of the Unicorns 84 - Passing

#84 of fates of the unicorns ## fates of the unicorns - chapter 84 - passing _this long running master and slave themed story series continues the journey of dragons, unicorns and the rest of the furry races in a world threatened with extinction by a monstrous

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Heartbeat Passage: Chapter 1

#1 of loving a unicorn christian is just about finishing his studies at university when he comes across a most unexpected sight - a unicorn in the forest. unicorns exist? apparently so.

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Jason & the Unicorn Ch. 1 (Commission from Tinaski)

#1 of jason & the unicorn another story commission brought to you by yours truly. i've been having unicorns in the brain lately.

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Unicorn Nightmares 2

unicorn nightmares warning: mind-rape, hypnosis, slavery and unicorn molesting follows! :d at the end of the last story, the poor unicorn was facing a dire fate, with many possible endings. now we get to see what may have happened to her.

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Battle Hoovebeats vs NightBattle...

Swiftly the big zebracorn stalked the source... and it was not hard to find. in fact the big demonic nightbattle was stalking the big striped zebracorn...

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Ork Master

The proud zebracorn snorts tossing his long narrow head carelessly, knowing his nature magic was far to powerful for so dirty and lowly a creature.

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The dragon and the heiress

The were-beasts continued their growling and the unicorn laughed softly in return. the unicorn was clearly female, her large breasts were easily recognizable, even to the draconian.

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Unicorn's Maiden Pt 2

#1 of unicorn's maiden it had been nearly a year now, a full pass of the seasons. shelly was showing now, the rounded swell of her belly brimming with the new life of the unicorn she was always with.

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Unia's Birth Part 1

She was a unicorn a freaking unicorn! her fur was a gleaming white, her mane and tail a shiny gold as well as her hooves. the only parts she recognizes is her muscled figure and her eyes. she was beautiful. "aren't i nice. i made you into a unicorn.

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