The Miyatsu File Chapter Seven -- On The Circuit

Every day at the prearranged time, aiko would go into the garden of her parent's suburban home with her mobile.

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Leo Lupine Chapter 2 : Guardian Angel

So without hesitation i hand her the mobile. "ah i see officer. it's a shame" she replies glancing at me with a worried expression. "well if it's allowed i don't mind him staying with me.

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Change of Perspective Page 32

All the geth be it on a platform, part of a mobile platform hub, part of the ship, or on the data network hub, waited as the count down till their jump hit zero.

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The best way to cool off

Good thing he let gavin talk him into going for the compact, mobile version with sides that could fold and unfold for extra room.

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Ground Zero - Part 2

Startled by his shout heidi pressed the disconnect button and tried to stuff the mobile device back in her bag but silver crossed the room and grabbed her wrist before she could hide it. "what is this? a mobile phone?

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Metempsychosis III, part 1 - Sorvaa'hr, Reiken and Alswaram

As you may know, mobile unit pilots eat nearly three times more than a normal soldier.

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Gundam Rose, [WIP]

Everywhere, projectiles, bullets, mobile suits of both sides erupting like bombs into the sandstorms that were whipped up by the mobile suit thrusters spraying into the dunes below. gods above it was nothing like the simulations.

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A Trip to the Loo

She held up one finger as tess beckoned her to come inside, getting out her mobile phone. "tess, check this out! is this... yours?"

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Wasteland Survivor – Davis' Directive - ch2

, and she realised they only considered the auto-mobile to be a mobile generator for her mp3 stereo. i thought she was going to go for his throat so smoothly took over. "what's your preference?

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One Wish (gift)

The muscles of his legs - all four of 'em - became lean and mobile, just the sort of thing a growing fox would need. definitely a fox, yes.

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Chapter 1: EMI

He wheeled the mobile oscilloscope cart over, and pulled a screwdriver from the third drawer, before twisting the hunk of wires and cards to face him.

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Wylde Wolf.

He slowly opened the back door, being careful not to wake it, ran in, snagged his mobile, closed the back door and ran into his front room, making sure to barricade the door. he took a breath of relief. he now had his mobile and was now in his house.

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