Commission - Tricks of the trade

She's part of a foreign exchange deal i'm working on between the romans and the gaul's" luwala grinned around the squirming lynx in his lap at his visitors.

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Guadalupe (5)

_perhaps if these ravers re-enacted greco-roman arena battles?

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Confusion - Chapter 1

, we came as romans, and falling in reverse. it was getting late and it was a school night, so i decided to get some rest. i have been depressed lately and i felt that i needed it. my dream, was very weird.

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Plots, Problems, Request

\*boy and croc - ancient times (say, roman or greek). slave human is released into a swamp with a horny croc. probably not a series. 1/4 done, maybe.

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A Day as Egad (The Lure of Bondage)

Egad had given the wolf, roman, the better hand. his comments so far had shown an eagerness to submit. roman had to be the - "three kings," marco laid down his hand, black feathers preening in triumph. egad's imaginary bubble popped.

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Easter in Devout America

The most popular depiction found in various churches across devout america is having the roman empire represent either the united nations or the north atlantic treaty organization (of which the d.s.a. hasn't been a member since 1998), with judas representing

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Project Blade #1

He wore red mk 6 **(no roman numerals)** armor. it had no other detail on it other then an embalm of dual crossing energy swords. one was gold, the other was plasma blue. what he was up against was a test bot.

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The Gift Of Beauty

It was really a serene scene, the sun having dropped just a little, now casting romanic, ruby red light over everything.

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The Lokonian Empire Part 1

Even so they were far more advanced than most other kingdoms throughout the world and were expanding their domain faster than the romans ever had and were ruled under the god emperor loken.

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TSB chapter 1

The shade was dressed in roman armor and was missing a good chunk of his ribcage. sirblood told the shade in flawless latin to go and fetch a peice of gold thinking that it was the most pratical use of this power.

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Corwin Hall, Chapter 3

"well, i've been here long enough to know what the romans do, even if i think the romans are a bit off their rocker. maybe it's time i put on a diaper. while i'm conscious, i mean." "really?" "this place has me hooked, brutus. i want to stay.

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Star Fox: The Unexpected Mission, Chapter 8: Tales of the Reptile ones.

Instead of wearing the roman armor, he had on armor that was pretty similar to wolf's, minus the pants. his armored kilt was also remodeled with some strong alloy, and instead of using medieval based melee weapons, he used plasma ones.

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