The Weasel and the Sheep.
Malte nods, giving vasso bedroom eyes. (oh yes i do, servant! oh fuck this master's mouth real good!) "thought so~" vasso keeps going, shooting several pres inside of the ampharos, to which malte happily swallows.
The Service Rhino, pt.1
My rhino leaned back his head; those bedroom eyes closing and a grateful smile crossing his face.
Love, the Cubs are Kicking
But moments later, as she looks at you with bedroom eyes and purrs just how much she loves you. the pair of you both know that something far hotter comes before breakfast today...
Grass Beats Fire
Whilst harris got back into a better position he was greeted with the few of julian, a flirtatious smile, bedroom eyes and semi-fresh cum stained feet, some of it having dried already. "wanna taste?"
Munie and Munie
He freezes, but looks over his shoulder to see the maid giving him fluttering bedroom eyes. munie gulps, but she falls onto her knees, bringing her hands down along his body, nudging him to turn back around to face him.
Present for a princess (Feat: PollyMaker)
"hah... that felt good~" polly comes out of the covers and lays next to the panting buizel, giving him bedroom eyes as she laid next to him.
Welcome to the Clan
Alice doesn't answer, she only bites her lip, looking at buffy with bedroom eyes as she uses her middle and ring fingers on her right hand to rapidly massage her clit.
Make Him Feel Pretty
Having become fully immersed in the vision of himself, logan made bedroom eyes at his reflection, his heavy-lidded stare showcasing the teal eyeshadow he'd only just bought that afternoon.
Make it All Better
Making him sit, she kneels before him, looking up at him with hungry bedroom eyes, biting her lips as she strokes him, looking down at her hard, stiff prize as it oozes a bit of precum. "mommy's going to suck all your sadness away, maxy, okay?"
Secrets of Tel Bryn 5
Laying back, the golden-skinned mer grabbed his knees and pulled them to his chest, exposing himself, trying to give his best bedroom eyes, which just looked like an eager virgin to boryn.
Crosstown Express
eyes, kelli was taken aback.
Saying Goodbye
Your bedroom eyes dim in disappointment then, as i pull out the little packet and slide a condom over my horsehood with all the sterile enthusiasm of a theatre nurse gowning up a surgeon. you have the sense not to speak though.