A Heart of Glass or a Heart of Stone
User=174069&character=0&clevel=2) hammerfist](https://hammerfist.sofurry.com/ "hammerfist") for his craft beer expertise :p_ \* **_ _** **_rory_** **_ _** **_ _** _"...in a west end town, a dead end world...the east end
Sour Candy
Vortenthad himself had tried one of the fancier craft beers, hadn't much liked it, and had switched to cider. he had the impression the other three were judging him for that, in their various ways, but as usual, it was probably just his imagination.
A Brief Comeback Tour
She could have gorged herself on the wide selection of craft beers that were provided for the party, or the finger foods that were being passed around like strippers on a sleazy bus.
The OK Bar
He didn't know what sort of stuff this bar stocked, and he didn't want to act like some spoiled college kid asking for a craft beer. "i'll have a miller lite?" gus' frown remained etched upon his face.
The Really Gay Party
User=174069&character=0&clevel=2) hammerfist](https://hammerfist.sofurry.com/ "hammerfist") again for being my craft beer consultant and booze expert for this chapter. thanks, dude, you've made cobb even more cobbtastic!
A Strong Foundation
The collie had never really been a heavy drinker, opting for the occasional craft beer or spiced wine on a cold day. this particular day though, drinking may be helpful for numbing this pain inside.
Golden Ale, In And Out
The beer was refreshingly light, after the series of heavier, craft beers that he'd taken in before, and it didn't seem to add as much pressure to his already swollen bladder as the others. "and that was a great pour, so...y'know. thanks for that."
The Chili Festival
Promising the 'hottest chilis on earth', they also advertised 'fun for all the family' as well as folk music and craft beer.
The Axe Cuts Both Ways - Chapter 8
The drinks are more along the lines of craft beers or wine than hard liquor. stuff that goes well with good food." "sounds like you dine here often." the deputy grinned.
Put in His Proper Place(Story-Condom Alt)
It was a run-of-the-mill place for the pacific northwest, craft beer, cider, man buns, subaru's parked outside... i was asked to hang out here by my good friends, garco and myles. they are partners and some of my best friends!
Put in His Proper Place(Story)
It was a run-of-the-mill place for the pacific northwest, craft beer, cider, man buns, subaru's parked outside... i was asked to hang out here by my good friends, garco and myles. they are partners and some of my best friends!
(SheerContest2021) A City Wolf Joins the Pack
I tried my best to put such thoughts of craft beer and fine wine out of my head. such things were behind me now, no more would i bloat my belly with overpriced beer at my neighborhood brewpubs with my chums. i was a true wolf now.