Temporal Reassignment

The big lion smirked as he sat at the table in front of the court. In spite of the severity of his crimes, he fully expected to get off scot-free. He had, after all, greased all the right palms and made sure things were properly taken care of. As the...

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"crime and punishment." "the um crime and punishment-" he tossed his head back for a moment, exaggerating his thought process, the sharp canines gleaming in the fluorescent light. "i know exactly where i left that book.

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Chapter Two

Rashkolnikov, who got his name based of the character in crime and punishment, was a russian ultranationalist and a terrorist who has been on a reign of terror from the east coast to the west coast since december 2019, killing civilians in malls, airports,

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Office Potty

No regression here, just a little lighthearted corporate crime and punishment. based on a 30-minute free-write exercise i did last month. enjoy!

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Dante's Origins Chapter 4: First Day on the Job

Still warm and tingling from the orgasm and now full and content thanks to the lunch i grabbed my copy of crime and punishment and laid down on the couch. i didn't get two pages into the next chapter before my eyes began to droop. sleep took over.

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Locked In

It was "crime and punishment", a dreadfully dull story she had been assigned for her literature class. she would normally be at school, but there were some complications keeping her at home.

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Earth's Children: 'A Bad First Impression'

Born in 1987 in new york where you studied crime and punishment. at the age of 19 your skills have been easily noticed which quickly helped you to raise in the ranks up to your current one which is a secret service member.

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Thirteen Karmic Tales: First Tale

"i mean i guess some of our tales will be the classic crime and punishment." dr. callyco shrugged. "but karma runs two ways you know! it's not just about seeing the wicked punished! it's also about seeing the good rewarded!

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Rowan's Redemption - Chapter 13

crime and punishment rowan took his time descending the staircase. he told himself it was because he did not want to hurt his still sore paw, but deep down, he knew he was scared.

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Outcast - Chapter 11

In a perfect world there would be no arguing, haggling, or bargaining when it came to crime and punishment. the same could be said of religion. after all, isn't that where law comes from?

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The Long Road Home - Chapter 3

It is a hardback copy of 'crime and punishment' by fyodor dostoyevsky. immediately opening it up, i find it bland and as dry as sand, but, surprisingly, it is enough to distract my mind from the blathering of the man beside me.

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Enter the Players

For such a young fur, he was an avid reader and obsessed with anything to do with crime and punishment type of books.

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