Ageless Cougar

Giftia was hir and kelley's first child, a herm shi had pure gold fur over most of hir body while hir belly was white scaled. hir tail was dragonic in form but had the gold fur over most of it with more white scales on the under part.

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Tales Of Redstreak Chapter 16

It was a shi with a clearly sheath and vagina and expect since both parents were herms. shi had a small bit of blue hair on hir head.

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Eat the Evidence

"oh, i was born a herm." shi says, dismissing i as unimportant. "why? is there something wrong with you mating with me, since i'm not toally female?" n'ra asks, more confused then ever. "you don't know, do you? what you're capable of?"

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Somebody to Love

No taunts because shi was a herm, the overunners were all herms. shi would be fed, and kept warm and cherished as an egg layer, an important part of the community. all shi would have to give up were hir human intellect and feelings.

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The Hook Up

"what, you got a problem with herms?" shi accused. he shook his head briskly. "no no, just wasn't expecting cock tonight, was all."

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He always had been a little afraid of that hyena, that powerful, monster of a herm. shi would never hurt him, that he knew, but when shi was on one of hir lustful rampages, it was easy to forget that.

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Hello Computer

Flirn was in the mood for something a bit more female, and was in another club when she spotted a lynx herm.

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Gildedtongue's Story Book II: Purgatorio - Chapter 7

The badger herm shi initially met was all business, warm, but with a professional distance to it. this one seemed downright flirtatious. saldura handed gildedtongue a cup of warm liquid.

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Ghosting Through Life - Chapter 1

**Ghosting Through Life - Chapter 1** _-\> Ghosting at a Rave1_ _by Zmeydros_ _(Edited by Secretskunk and WolfJacobs)_ The street lights had turned on an hour ago and the streets were alive with trick-or-treaters, chaperoned by parents...

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A herms Discovery

The herms nod brought a fire within hir shi'd never felt before; shi was arousing hir hero, the one herm shi most wanted to be like? shi was \*attracted\* to hir?

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A Hard Knight

Dee says in a chuckle sinasa watches on in stunned silence, hir eyes going wide as shi sees hir loving, faithful wife smile at the news that shi wouldn't be coming back soon and start to strip in front of this buff warrior herm.

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Changed Life Aboard the Yokubo

Thinking of a good change for the now six-breasted wolf herm, shi looked down at hir own chest, hir cockteats starting to get aroused and began to press out from hir shirt, staining it with warm precum.

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