High school through my eyes: Pt. 3
There were at least 4 mosh-pits going on as the band continued on with their music. david who had been entirely impressed with the bands skill could not keep his eyes off marc and cheer as loud as he could. he even tried the mosh-pits in his condition.
Changes - Part 1.2
Charlie passed a bunch of mosh pits of furs blocking the hall with their chatter, which caused him to wonder why they can't talk somewhere more open to block the hall less.
Under the blood moon- The begining
I usually go to concerts with angel and i do the mosh pits too. i guess you could say i live two different lives. my mother gives me what ever i want and the leaves me alone so i can practicly do what i want when ever i want.
The Devil's Music
Before the first song was over, barghest could spot half a dozen people going at it in the mosh pit. they weren't fighting, though. they were wildly copulating as the crowd around them screamed.
Junior Year at Tiger High: Chapter 2, Party til you pass out, drink til' you're dead
For the next 30 minutes the band played while a huge mosh pit opened up in the center of the living room. by the time the band had finished people had gone crazy and were sweating and bleeding all over.
Rock and a hard place.
Some sing along, some play air instruments, and others clear out as a mosh pit starts to form. furrs climb lightpoles and benches to get a better sight of the show. something just kept pulling dusk's attention away from the show though.
adventures in violence fun edition
I started doing kung fu throws and shouted, "do a mosh-pit people!" and they handed the guards over their heads and put them around the corner where the fire was coming from.
Spike and Zack, 1: Love Colides
He takes a deep breath and marches out on the stage along with his band mates, he loved encores, he loved the crowd,he loved the mosh pit, he loved the banging off heads, he loved playing conserts, and he loved music spike, the large black wolf took the
CBC - Bludvist: Sacrivice
She was dumped in the mosh pit, covered and filled with the seed of countless strangers. at some point, her head had been fully removed, along with her right arm just below the shoulder, and left hoof.
Love Between Friends 01
Once me and justin were let down from the celebration mosh pit, i walked into the school and to the locker room, mike was standing in front of a mirror with a washcloth in his right hand.
Evolution Part I: Chapter Nine
I stepped in between the frantic dogs when i could and kept my distance from the mosh pit the center of the yard had become, aware of the fact that i was far more likely to be hurt by them than the squirrel, and hunted for the prey with every ounce
05 Destracted
Besides they never play and grunge or thrash at those things, and they never devolve to a mosh pit." she finished her thought before shoveling more food into her mouth."hahaha alright.