Pink Personal Hell and Altering Fate
**Pink Personal Hell** That pink thing from another world showed up in my room one night. It was a freak electrical storm - in the middle of winter. Sounded like a recipe for some kind of disaster, but there weren't any mad scientists trying to make...
Here There Be Dragons
"Here There Be Dragons" Based entirely on the comic written by Euro Salamander and drawn by Karno Zashy and Gustav are © Euro Salamander The sun beat down on a small bare hilltop just outside an equally small village as an angry crowd assembled...
He Cock Too Big For Her Gotdamn Cunt
Jackson and sam were definitely an odd couple. it wasn't often, after all, you saw a massive shire walking hand in hand with a doe. even less for the pair to be engaged, an engagement necklace proud on the doe's fine neck.
Cole and Willy Skunk.
Willy and cole were the odd couple in town in town. they lived in the same house. whenever willy needed help walking outside, cole was there to help him. cole asked willy if he wanted breakfast. willy said, "sure."
My Fox
Ps-if anyone cares i added more to my story called the odd couple. i don't know if it shows up as a new story or not so i'm mentioning it here. truth be told my fox is no fox at all.
CBS - Confused Mugging
This was an odd couple, for sure. "okay. so you're a pair of kinky perverts. that's not giving me your money." she laughed softly. "oh, yes! of course we're going to give you all of our money! no, that's not a problem. but... um...
Seventeenth Straight Sheridan Spring Spaghetti Social
And field guessed ... well, he and adelaide were an odd couple, too.
Week 6: Horses and 'hospitals'
The furs looking down at him were an odd couple; a snow white bunny and a bull that looked like he could lift a car with ease.
Companions Ch. 39
[end of \_companions\_ chapter 39: the odd couple] [next in series: chapter 40: three's company]
Adventure 1.0
But there are the odd couple of people that don't like us." "well that's good to hear that i have to not worry as much as i used to." i smiled at the bengal tiger.
Honey Bear
A not so polite cough forced them to break apart, the annoyed glare of an old badger sending a clear message to the odd couple. the pair muttered a quick apology before they walked away, holding hands.
The Pride Lands
The two made an odd couple of friends, as often one would be expected to eat the other.