Shadowrun: The Changeling Escort Service, chapter 1

Yes, i'm a psion, and i graduated with a master's degree in applied quantum mechanics from brigham young university to prove it. although, i prefer the term: "shaper." i'm a seeker of truth. truly, i am.

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In The Blink of an Eye

If i put my brain to it, i can do relativity, quantum mechanics, string theory, chaos theory... did you have something in mind?" she smiled and her horn glowed.

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Death vs. The Undying

I think you'll learn a lot more than just some quantum mechanics from her." "you, know alphy?" death's expression darkened for the merest fraction of a second. "i've seen her a couple times." "uh. um." undyne looked down for a second.

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Andromeda Rising Ch. 6

Hell, by the end of the week i'm sure you could teach quantum mechanics in aramaic without a problem." elizabeth simply giggled and kissed matthew's forehead. "well, i do seem to have a knack for it.

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?Exodus - Chapter two: The truth

To say you had very little idea about what you were doing would be like saying that an ameba has a basic understanding of quantum mechanics" which managed to defuse the situation a bit as elizabeth chuckled a bit. "nice computer.

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A Gift and a Curse - Chapter 5: Strange Powers Within

She confirmed that the only possible explanations were either some random strong quantum mechanics nonsense, or powerful magic, which apparently was the more likely scenario. "solar said your magic is strong.

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Prologue 3/3 THE GUY FROM THE BAR (Concession Stands

But i also really enjoyed the idea of physics and quantum mechanics." we come to a more open part of the store, right next to the cafeteria. as i make my way to one of the table, i whistle. "wow.

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A Warm Welcome

Alleya giggled at him like he'd just asked a quantum mechanics professor about basic addition. "how else will you know the answer if you don't?" her response was simple and unarguable. kemper chuckled.

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Lupus Major - Chapter One

The lupine scientists had pioneered the use of quantum mechanics and use of black holes to travel vast distances through space, and they shared this with the humans. since then, humans have been found at the far corners of the universe.

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Lupis Major, Chapter One

The lupine scientists had pioneered the use of quantum mechanics and use of black holes to travel vast distances through space, and they shared this with the humans. since then, humans have been found at the far corners of the universe.

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Through the Cracks - And Lay Ghost Hands on Everything

"speculative quantum mechanics, maybe, touches a little on this kind of model of what an extratemporal perspective might look like. usually when we conceive of being outside time, that time is still along a one dimensional line.

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1 - A Voice From The Other World... - Chapter VI

Energy can't just precipitate out of a void (well, unless you believe in quantum mechanics), it has to come from or be stored somewhere. didn't kee say he was taking a portion of her mana?

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