A Tail of Sparks - Chapter One
Only 80 years for humans +/- 20 or so years granted those reading this now are already between the ages of 15-25 standard years. ... ... what, you think sparks kids? well, anyways, where was sparks? ah yes, i best! highly superior!
Lost in This Moment
I can not express enough that if you are under legal age that you do not read this. now i know i'm not the best writer that everyone here reads (borealis, amixeduppup) but as far as i know, i'm doing great so just give me a chance.
Moon Dancer, Part 1
Ok, ok, its slow for u reading this now but back then it couldn?t be beat. its amazing what you can find if you?re willing to put the time into hacking nasa?s mainframe. needless to say i was never caught or maybe i did.
I pod love... Part 1
I know you're going to read this now that u know why i have that knife and all these wristbands but i guess i can play along for now and even though u already asked no i haven't today. shit...
Buckle Up!
this now.
Masters Scent
Ahh great...whoever reading this now knows i'm gay...my chances of being rescued just got significantly slimmer...but if nothing ill at least write in this thing to curve the boredom of being down here in this dreary basement.
Snow White and the Foxyote Dwarf
Those of you reading this now should be very grateful that this is only a written performance. you have been spared. "so..." snow white was now standing over one of the beds. kickaha sat on the bed with his legs crossed avoiding eye contact.
Table Seven
If for some reason you are reading this now, i implore you to stop here as once a person has seen things, dark things, they cannot ever be unseen again. well, don't say i didn't provide fair warning.
My Little Pony: To Love a Queen ch.1
I mean really, who here reading this now, grew up thinking; 'why can't we all just get along?'
The Chronicles of Cyro
Thanks to you all for taking the time to read this. now...enjoy! dedicated to my dear takatavolpe, my mate. you will always carry a piece of my heart taka. chronicles of cyro volume 1 "so, do you accept?"
Heat 11
He sent benny several more links to articles including one he labelled as "read this now!" the bear opened the article and started to read as he did he was astonished and then angry. dale arrived home a few hours later and found him still reading.
BLFC Room Party - Parts 0+1
You're sure to be part of it, yourself, if you're reading this now. in any case, i shall attempt to recede into the background, as much as possible, rather than prattling on about my own private feelings and perception. enjoy!