Chapter One: The Lucky Encounter
He took a fresh breath of the semi-clean air and walked down the street. he then looked at his watch and smiled "right on time" he said to himself as he got to the bus stop.
The Lead Crown: Ch 2a, League of Leaves (Pt 3)
Henry announced, quickly wrapping his arm with some semi-clean linen bandages, "only way we could help him would be t' put him down... and that'd be a waste a arrows."
odds are against me:chapter 2
After he lowered me down and left i put on a pair of semi clean boxers from the dirty hamper and a pair of shorts. "you can come back in" i said after i had finished getting dressed .
A Journey Begun - Chapter 3 - Destiny Calls
I'm the designated driver though, and i have to stay at least semi clean. i promise to myself that this will be my last drink tonight and i gulp it.
Furry Fantasy pt 6
I got out of bed carefully to avoid waking gem, put on some semi-clean clothes and went out to see who it was and what was going on.
Authority: A Lesson Learned Twice
She was there for five minutes just sobbing and licking up the cum off the only semi-clean floor. johnny was busy maneuvering all of the desks in the class room around the walls facing forward.
Ch. 3 Taking the Plunge
Frank and greg watched as the little wand slid out of its slot and began to spray the big wolfs dirty hole sprinkling them with semi clean and dirty water.
Ogre Bear
One of the selling points that makes ogre bear such a hot item with advertisers is the fact that he does not drink, nor does he endorse booze of any sort and while he does things that are reprehensible he does maintain a semi clean image of himself which keeps
Invader S.
Throwing on some semi-clean clothes. he made sure they passed the smell check, if he could stick his nose in them and not be disgusted, then it was good to go. slipping his sandals on, he walked out the door into the brisk morning.
Back Alley
They did that in silence too, the only sounds of panting and a few grunts as they struggled to remain comfortable, as well as semi-clean, in the filthy alleyway while they both came back to their senses. "that was..."
Imprisoned-Chapter 1
clean pan and some eggs out.
A Trip to the Pet Store
Mitch purred hopefully and presented his semi-clean paw to the bunny's mouth, "try for yourself," and marc analyzed the stuff, sniffing it questioningly before reaching the tip of his tounge out to try a bit.