Shattered Shards: Perilous Plunder

#15 of shattered shards shattered shards: perilous plunder by von krieger lights coming on, alarms blaring, the sounds of heavy boots upon the concrete as security officials rushed to the scene of the crime.

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Shattered Shards: Sorcerous Science

#14 of shattered shards shattered shards: sorcerous science by von krieger dranise walked along behind his girlfriend, maya, his claws clicking loudly on the industrial tile floor.

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Shattered Shards: Marital Mahyem

#13 of shattered shards shattered shards: marital mayhem by von krieger don took another big gulp of his milkshake as vivian started on her third helping of fries and second hamburger.

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Goddess' Grove

#29 of shattered shards goddess' grove by von krieger shawn shivered beneath the cover of his makeshift blanket, the torn fabric that had once been his boat's sail.

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Shattered Shards: Magical Mishaps II

#5 of shattered shards shattered shards magical mishaps ii by von krieger arilee sighed softly in her sleep and tried to pull her blanket over herself and roll over, as there was a bit of pressure on her chest while she slept on her back, and it

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Shattered Shards: Devil's Domain I

#20 of shattered shards shattered shards: devil's domain by von krieger yeania sighed softly within the dark, featureless void.

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Shattered Shards: Mirror Mirror I

#12 of shattered shards shattered shards: mirror mirror by von krieger "should we really be heading out in this?" megan asked, peering out the window at the heavy black clouds that let out an occasional ominous rumble over the city.

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Shattered Shards: Myshelle's Medicine IV

#11 of shattered shards shattered shards: myshelle's medicine by von krieger myshelle took a deep breath, moaning softly at the twin scents of horse and sex, the scents she had faintly detected outside the club what seemed like a lifetime ago.

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Shattered Shards: Myshelle's Medicine III

#10 of shattered shards shattered shards: myshelle's medicine by von krieger myshelle leaned against melissa the entire way, her hand gripping the full satyr's own. they dripped and dropped, leaving quite a mess behind them.

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Shattered Shards: Myshelle's Medicine II

#9 of shattered shards shattered shards: myshelle's medicine by von krieger tears leaked from myshelle's eyes, mixing with the rivulets of stallion seed that trickled down her face.

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Shattered Shards: Myshelle's Medicine I

#8 of shattered shards shattered shards: myshelle's medicine by von krieger myshelle tossed he auburn hair over her shoulder, looking with a scowl at the methods of conveyance parked outside the club, though in some cases the term 'stabled' would be

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Shattered Shards: Alicorn's Apprentice: Monday

#7 of shattered shards shattered shards alicorn's apprentice by von krieger monday alison moaned softly as she meditated. during the last few days her normally relaxing afternoon activity had become something strange, different, erotic.

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