Chie's Ascension
:) this is a commission for geeseebee ( disclaimer: chie satonaka, her persona and the shin megami tensei universe and characters belong to atlus.
Rise's Ascension
This is a commission for geeseebee ( disclaimer: rise kujikawa, her persona and the shin megami tensei universe and characters belong to atlus.
Unraveling His Persona
Morgana stared at his paws again, still confused as to how this could've happened. He remembered having human hands, human fingers, and daylight, but nothing else, save for his name. He'd been wandering around for some time along a set of train tracks,...
Naoto's Ascension
:d this is a commission for geeseebee ( disclaimer: naoto shirogane, her persona and the shin megami tensei universe and characters belong to atlus.
Unraveling His Persona - Part 6
Consciousness lapped at Neko Shogun's mind like the incoming tide to the shore. Light beyond his view coaxed his eyelids open. Memories flooded in with the waking world. They were aboard the plane. What had happened? There was gunfire. Then a missile....
Unraveling His Persona - Part 4
The day was young and the sky more brightly lit than usual. The air was calm and quiet with little to no noise to break the monotonous and disquieting silence. An unwelcome situation for Morgana and Shogun as they snuck along the exterior walls of an...
Unraveling His Persona - Part 5
Darkness encapsulated the black feline, all worries and concerns overcome by indescribable emptiness. He felt like he was floating and yet motionless, still as stone while nothing was keeping him in place. He recalled the moment in the aircraft as the...
Unraveling His Persona - Part 7
Just as easily as Neko Shogun's consciousness slipped away, it came back in waves. He and Gremlin had been taken in for the night by some foxes worshipping the fox god Kurama, and these foxes were just as promiscuous as they were devout. Eyes closed,...
Heart's Desire [Collaboration]
"shin megami tensei," she said. "oh," cole said. he tried to remember that game, but he couldn't. it didn't even sound familiar to him. fuck. "does it have fighting?" he asked. "yeah, i guess," she said. cole could see she was blushing.