Spoils of War - Part 2

A bright full moon stood high over the war camp, erected on the border of a steep cliff overlooking a far-reaching valley. Inside, in the far distance, just poking out of the thick fog, a castle could be made out. The castle of the enemy. The war camp...

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[COM-08] Spoils of War

spoils of war heiken was completely naked as he trotted down the pathway, leaving the fort where he left the armor that branded him as a general behind him; he was on an incognito mission for the queen herself.

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King of the Mountain – Spoils of war

# king of the mountain - spoils of war the war against the firescales dragged along for the rest of the year without any big change.

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Spoils of War ( Dragon Tribe 3 )

Even this game, spoils of war, comes from an old tradition of raiding other clans. enemy warriors captured in battle were used for sex. now, we are temporarily blessed to live in a more peaceful time.

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The Fall of the Ardenta

The rule of the Ardenta continued for centuries, the line of their lineage and power unbroken despite the death of the Lord who forged them. He had been unbowed and a figure to be feared even until his latter years, his weakened frame hidden inside...

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Sunlight Tiger's Battle

A salty smell wafts upward as all kinds of birds fill the savannah of the sky, waiting to feast on the spoils of war. a beautiful new beginning, mixed with an unavoidable end.


The Dry Spell Prologue, on tap at Anthrocon 2023

Brundage posed proudly above the spoils of war as cameras flashed and glanced back at the line behind him. "beatie, will you do the honors?"

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Sample #3: M/M, Non-con, pirates

Wouldn't want to wreck you before i've had a chance to enjoy the spoils of war."

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[SNEAK PEEK] The Auction

Who gets to fuck our spoils of war." ratley bristled at his touch, at the claws tracing along the divots of his abdomen. "you are the property of the serpion empire, now. this is just a rental.

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Iron Dragon Chapters 96-97

"the spoils of war?" jenny asked. "i am always the victor after all." nodrog chuckled. "the spoils of war and some that had been completely forgotten." "did you leave your phone here on purpose? winston called you."

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Bloodline - Prologue

He had a family, an entire army of skilled mercenaries who were raised to feed off the spoils of war. they were good, they were strong, and they were eager to fight. and they were all counting on him to bring them to victory.

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The Last Days of Autumn

This war had been kindled by the conclave, yet when its tide turned hostile and cruel, they likewise turned on their own people, blaming the spiritual orders and tearing the common folk apart; who were now the ones paying for it, victims to the spoils of war

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