The Adventures of Peter Gray Chapter 22: David Who?
Chapter 22 David Who? Sometime later, after spending me free time roaming the alleys and watching ships enter and leave the harbor from the rooftops, I checked me father's pocket watch and saw school was almost over. I thought about going to...
The Adventures of Peter Gray chapter 5: Kick-the-Can
Chapter 5 Kick-the-Can "Ready?" "Yeah!" "And begin!" In me opinion, they should have kick-the-can be played in stadiums, because nothing compared to it. The fancy universities had basketball, the nobles...
The Adventures of Peter Gray chapter 10: April Fool's Day
Chapter 10 April Fool's Day "April Fool! April Fool!" I giggled when I saw the seven year-old raccoon boy pop around the corner, scaring either his brother or cousin into jumping like a cat. They squealed and laughed while chasing...
The Adventures of Peter Gray chapter 12: Hansel and Edward
Chapter 12 Hansel and Edward When I was at the orphanage, I remember this one cub that liked to push me buttons. His name was Franklin, a clean and stuck-up for being a big raccoon. He kept saying his breed was so great and all, which turned...
The Adventures of Peter Gray Chapter 20: Helping Blink
Chapter 20 Helping Blink Edward's cooking never disappointed me appetite in the past. This fox was a wizard with cooking, even by me low standards. If I ever became a rich gentlewolf with a mansion, a dozen pretty vixens by me side, and a...
The Adventures of Peter Gray Chapter 14: Sticky Situation Part 2
Chapter 14 Sticky Situation Part 2 As MR. Flint shoved me and me 'yote friend into their tenement apartment, the smell of mold and smelly liquor cut through me nose like a knife to the back, but I was more worried about the older 'yote...
The Birthday Ring
It's the year 1899" **_i...see..._** the voice went quiet. anna waited. **_i've lost count of the years. i was on that island, all that time._** "you were all alone?" **_i had been killed. betrayed by...someone close.
The Adventures of Peter Gray Chapter 21: School
Chapter 21 School As I slept peacefully as a newborn cub, I thought I fell into the Hudson. Instead, I had a bucket of water thrown on me. "Git up ya mutt!" a gruff voice shot. I spat and grumbled while staggering offa the hay...
The Adventures of Peter Gray Chapter 19: How I Got Meself in Jail
Chapter 19 How I Got Meself in Jail "Excuse me copper, but how long do I hafta stay in 'ere?" I whined while grabbing the round metal bars. All around me, other convicts with deep voices growled and yipped at me comment while banging the bars of their...
Centurions (A1, B1, C15)
"he killed my sister's friend, beth in 1899 - a succubus from england. she survived being attacked by jack the fucking ripper, but dies because philip astor liked drugging his sex toys." karla rubbed her hands together in the rain.
The Adventures of Peter Gray: Chapter 13: Sticky Situation Part 1
Chapter 13 Sticky Situation "I had to hide and run like a cockroach for a while and all ya can say to me is 'hello'?!" I ask incredulously with a flicking tail. I was sitting at a table across from James and Lance who smirked at me...
The Adventures of Peter Gray Chapter 17: The 4th of July
Chapter 17 The 4th of July "Happy 4th of July to everyone!" a newsie I knew nearby shouted with a swishing tail. "Happy Independence Day to all humans and fursons everywhere! Oh 'ello Peter!" I nodded to Bromley and tossed a coin to...