Spreading the Fun
The next second there was the sound of a loud splash and as the fox staggered up to his feet ashgar was there to help pick him up. "what the hell was that?!" ashgar shouted as they both continued to back away from the riber bank. "don't know..."
Joined at the Hip
#160 of patreon reward vignettes eighth vignette for fa: ashgar~ in this one, ashgar and tizak are being lewd together, with the goal of some sexual synergy...
Expanding Realities
#137 of patreon reward vignettes fourth vignette for fa: ashgar~ this time around tizak has gone to a magic shop to buy something to help him get back at ashgar for eating him so much. by chance he gets dremati behind the counter.
Hoarding Housemates
#152 of patreon reward vignettes seventh vignette for fa: ashgar~! similar to last month, ashgar asked me for a continuation from the month before last...
Mahiri's Quest: Expansion I
He has the same colouration as ashgar's previous form, but that's the end of his resemblance.
Routine Maintenance
#126 of patreon reward vignettes second vignette for fa: ashgar~ , this time with some more cyberpunky characters.
Hoarding Tendencies
#138 of patreon reward vignettes fifth vignette for fa: ashgar~ , who simply said "write what you want to!" so i took an idea that's been kicking around in my head for a while and did it!
Cave Comeback (Vore Story)
A commission for ashgar. tizak returns to the home of the fearsome naga monster tethis for another shot at treasure...or perhaps he knows it's a moot attempt. why on earth did tizak decide to take this job?
Against the Elements (Vore Story)
- a commission done for ashgar. halsted uses his rather unique anatomy to rescue a fox stranded in the high alpine mountains... "halsted, we've got someone wandering around in the tundra who seems pretty obviously lost.
They keep doing impossible things
Heal - and i encourage you to improve upon your listening skills in the time remaining to you - i and this fine entity across the veil, the great ashgar, stipulated you would become _part_ demon."
Special Guest Attraction 01 - Vore House YCH
Artist/zean - zeanlain writing/cynabelle/kentanni - runa ashgar - clawsend velgahrus - parapanora zentha - omega_code93 fal - rovel_von_renard just the introduction chapter to one of my latest ychs.
Ein Flüstern im Sturm Part 7
Beliar, ashgar sie nehmen sich noch zwei mã¤nner und geben uns feuerschutz aus ihrem schweren bolter." " ja rottenfã¼hrer nico!" nico spã¤hte vorsichtig um die ecke und zog schnell seinen kopf wieder in deckung.