Guardians: Downfall Chapter 7: Order Alpha One

Location: Earth, Colorado, somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. Date: November 24, 2776 The Fleet Admiral, an older White skinned man stared off at the vast moutaneous region through a window. On the outside, it was covered in holographic emitters that...

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Guardians: Downfall Chapter 5: Battle for Aegis

CHAPTER 5: Battle for Aegis Date: November 24, 2776 Location: Facility on Aegis, Talkinshi cryo control room. Eventually they got the door to open. Lee had worked his magic and was able to get the locking mechanisms to respond. They strode into the...

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Guardians: Downfall Chapter 2

Chapter 2 It Gets Even Better Date: November 9, 2777 Location: Traveling, 1 light year from Time: 0100 (Military Time) The Captain made his way through the hall, stepping over metal plating's and debris. Wires dangled from the ceiling. The hall...

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Gurdians Downfall: Chapter 3: It Gets Even Better!

Chapter 3It Gets Even BetterDate: Niovember 9, 2777Location: Traveling, 1 light year from Leben.Time: 0100 (Military Time)The Captain made his way through the hall, stepping over metal platings and debris. Wires dangled from the ceiling. The hall was...

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Guardians: Downfall Chapter 2

Chapter 2: The UGM ValkyrieDate: November 9, 2777Location: Wolf 348, 11 light years from Leben, 2 light years from ForaoiseTime: 1204 (Military time)The hanger was bustling with life. There where people, both Pelzigan and Humans, working on the Mecha's...

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Guardians: Downfall Chapter 1

Chapter 1: The UGM SerenityDate: November 8, 2777Location: Wolf 345, Epsilon Eridani System, 5 light years from LebenTime: 1350 (Military time)He stared off into the stars from his cabin, it looked so peaceful. Compared to the frontier colonies,...

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Guardians: Downfall

Prologue: Insertion Date: January 28, 2778 Time: 0500 Location: Epsilon Eridani System, Planet Leben, 2 kilometers outside Pelzigan capital Wächter "Sergeant Ishimura, we're 2 Kilometers out, ETA is 10 minutes, get your men ready!" said the voice...

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Guardians Lore

Guardians: Downfall Authors notes! So, for those whom are interested in the Guardians story, figured I'd give some history to it. Downfall takes place approximately 83 years after the First Contact War between Humans and Pelzigans. The First Contact...

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Behind Enemy Lines

He took a quick glance behind him, making sure no one was following him, and no one was. People passed by him without so much as a look at him, but he still felt like someone was following him. The Great Dane, with his marble fur bristling in the...

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Echoes Chapter 7

Chapter 7 April 4, 2741 This is Rear Admiral Whitcomb, as of April 4, 2741, we have lost all contact with Aura station, last word was that Quarantine Stage 2 was put into place. Following that we witnessed an unknown creature attacked the Command...

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Echoes Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Date: April 3, 2741 After she had submitted her report to the leadership of the station in regards to homicides and assaults that had came up, as of now standing there were 4 homicides and 7 assault cases, they had decided to enact a...

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Guardians Chapter 15: Revelations

Chapter 15: Revelations Date: November 10, 2776 Location: Leben Metropolis and Capital, Wachter, Guardian Academy and HQ Despite his protests in regards to taking a leave of absence during a time Lupin would need him after his surgery, Akutenshi...

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