Officer wilkins stood up and watched in silence as bill pulled his trousers back up, and the businessman cringed when he touched his stinging rump "man officer you sure pack a wallop" he told the beetle and he chuckled at that and then they made their way
Keeping Filled
The kind of face you want to look for has a boredom that says they travel a lot--usually this is a businessman, but it'll be a businessman looking rumpled, a businessman out of his suit.
A Day of Fun
The businessman stopped and looked up at the giant wolf. "pl...please!" he screamed at vector as the foot hovered over him. the businessman was frozen with fear "i....had to do it....it was me or him....please!"
Employer-Employee Relations
#5 of fat a hauty businessman learns a lesson in humility, courtesy of a gay trucker ghost. commission for calvinwolf the sun inched closer to the horizon, bathing the city skyline in a sea of yellow and orange.
Something about this man, this pig, seemed strangely alluring to the drunken businessman. for a moment, he paused, torn between acceptance and escaping.
Grade A Milk
Joshua moved over and crouched down, bringing himself almost eye to eye with the businessman.
Grade A Milk
Joshua moved over and crouched down, bringing himself almost eye to eye with the businessman.
Story Snippet - Maddened Motherly Mandy
He clasped his hands in front of him, a look of fear briefly appearing on his face before disappearing behind a businessman-calm facade - his tail lashing behind him, ears twitching.
Tales from the Lab: Stalled [Feral TFTG Cow]
The bovine businessman's crotch was damp, the squashed udder leaving a trail of fresh milk. while his new teats painfully chafed on the floor with every inch.
Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 4.1 Doen
Not only was a businessman not a coward, but a businessman also knew that any chance of surrender was an opportunity to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. his action was not entirely popular. "pick your blade up, you spinless weasel."
the HeftyJunk Bank
His dick surged in length, forcing the penetration in the businessman's urethra. his balls swelled so enormously huge that they were forcing his legs apart.
Character Profile: Render
With his father a wealthy businessman and researcher under, but secretly against the now dead queen, render got his position in the guild rather easily, considering how highly ranked he was.