Fallen Angels, Part three -Scratching the Itch
Making me focus on the demon delusion and taking control of it was an idea i hadn't thought of before. "there is no delusion," said quinn. "you really have a demon side." i sighed at his imagination. "and you're a werewolf. i get it. goodbye quinn!"
The Conquerer and the Defier
He lives in the delusion that he is the sole-survivor either, of the end of the apocalypse, or the decay of the sun into a red dwarf star.
The usual stuff on a home alone night
Winnie looked again her delusion and saw his knot ready to get in her so she jammed up the whole dildo on an exploding orgasm that make her howl! -fuck yes! yes,yes!yes!alex yes!!
Can You Pet a Phantom Cat?
Making me focus on the demon delusion and taking control of it was an idea i hadn't thought of before. "thanks man." "there's no delusion," said quinn. "you really have a demon side." i sighed at his imagination. "goodbye quinn!"
Grand Delusions
._" even though his hands never stopped, his eyes widened as delusion set in, the scene of his owner's bedroom changing to that of a small park.
Group: Delusion
A short disclaimer about the content - this story contains one character (age 14) who is under the legal age of consent (16) in his state and engages in sexual conduct. This is intended as a realistic portrayal of the behavior of high school students;...
Dogs and Delusions
"So, let me get this straight. You want me to fuck your ear? Like, you want me to wrap it around my dick and just fuck like that? Because that doesn't sound like it'd be-" "No, no. Like... Inside my ear. I want you to fuck my skull, dude," ...
Delusions of Grandeur
My delusions of grandeur were interrupted as a roar of pleasure echoed throughout the passages. as quietly as i could, i hurried to the entrance to my master's bed chambers.
Frozen Delusions
I was running away tired of the fighting, tired of the pain of being the reason my parent always argued. I'm such an idiot sometimes. It's less than twenty degrees out here and I'm in skinny jeans and am old t-shirt. I'm trying to run to my friend...
It's Not a Competition
Gibson was right behind him, more than happy to see the truth revealed and for mandarin to quit it with his delusions. if he had been aware of his feelings, he would have made a far more bolder approach towards their leader.
That Blue Ribboned Sky
Passing the time with you while i'm in a bad mood, i guess i've always been so stubborn, just as the autumn leaves stay brown, and the towering buildings stay gray i'm a stranger to myself, to give up my delusions is to give up you as well, i don't
Night thoughts - 29. - Y not
From first to last, each swig sways memories among minds of mercy meeting many mountains among plain filled people, punishment proceeds pity for moments stuck in strange thoughts, ignorance announces another alleyway delight declines as destiny destroys delusions