Simba's Lost Mate

Hanging his head, the dethroned king slept outside, being woken up throughout the night by the sound of scar pounding more lionesses... the sleep that he managed to get was interrupted by banzai and ed.

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**Galaxy at War**: Prologue

The events that took place during the war are uncertain, but the one who took control as a result of the war is a man by the name of andre tolkki who believes that the races of the intergalactic alliance are evil, and that humans should be the ones to dethrone

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Queen Muz-Ra #17

If you go through with this, you may well cause the jarl to be dethroned or worse. you know that don't you? not to mention the danger to yourself should some fanatic decide to try and stop the marriage. do you really want to do that to him?"

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Falling for a lioness 2 Revenge of the fallen part 14

Also she had token up scar smarts as well, thinking of plots to get rid of kovu so she can be the next in line for the thrown once they dethrone simba and kill his cubs.

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A bit of a story...

Levels the playing field and gives the other contestants some hope of dethroning me some day haha. elves can be about the closest match i can get in a fight, agile little bastards. urgals on the other hand...they're just hard to kill.


Teaching the Rabbit Part 2

"well, i suppose we'll just have to see if this young'un can dethrone me or not." antoine chuckles and brushes his nose against cream's "oh, but the young woman is already in the running for this race..." he narrows his eyes, the gaze powerful, sensual.

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Heckabun vs Gayle 2

"y-yeah... those girls all thought they could dethrone me... but i'm the top slut in anteronia. i took them down, no problem." "then, you should have no problem with me." the heckabuns say.

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The Chase

Which cause death to the pride sister luckily sarabi and her mother keep meat for her to help search for help for them to dethrone scar and the hyenas. know she found her first prey with know hyenas, insight so it was her meal.

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Falling for a lioness part 23 and 24

€maybe you get some, after we dethrone scar and the hyenas†nala said bit lust in her voice .

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SPQR Chapter 7

If a martyr's death would be needed to dethrone this wicked and deadly king, the wolf would die a martyr. "i will never suffer a man who lacks decency and compassion. you are a tyrant, a demon in the pelt of a leopard and i will never woship you.

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Supervillain origins: Xoephis

Xoephis became an orphan and was sent to live with his uncle, the king of cerinia who his father had tried to dethrone and his cousins, alister and krystal.

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Part 8 Braxcon

"i will remeber that but let's get down to more pressing matters like how we dethrone the king."

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