The Royal Apples - Part VI
"as a knight commander of the equestrian star, it is my responsibility to protect the integrity and honor of the order.
MLP: Believing in the Impossible - Chapter Six
In this case, every free equestrian.
Chapter 1- Boot Camp
Flight base icelock, located in the crystal empire, has been totally destroyed in the worst attack on equestrian soil in over seven hudred years!
Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 5
#6 of equestrian stories book 1 chapter 5! and woot that scene was so emotional it even had me tearing up as i wrote it! chapter 6 will be much longer as it has a lot going on.
Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 9
equestrian stories book 1 chapter 9 loss of love luna reappeared outside of the canterlot city ruins and immediately tries to stand up. "come on... come on...."
Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 1
equestrian stories book 1 chapter 1 darkness and nightmares in equetria peace and tranquility continued, the battle against the dark phantom was completely forgotten.
DDD Day 9 The Misteria University Winter Castration Festival
The equestrian club - subs have their cocks attached to a horse's saddle; they have to stay on the horse as it rides.
Prologue: Primary Sources
The equestrian government has not commented on the allegation at the time of publication. however, our source has additionally provided an excerpt from the journal turned over to princess twilight sparkle.
Predilection: CH 15 : Rebirth?
It seems without the oath of allegiance binding them; the equestrian troops are more loyal to their commanders than their royalty.
Story of Epona: A Stable Relationship
Any other equestrian would have backed off or at least called for extra aid. "goddesses dammit epona! stand still!" link shouted at her and forgot one of the first things they teach you about equestrianism.
Sexual Shorts
Tina rolled over and laid on top of cindy both keeping their thighs spread wide showing off their hot equestrian pussies, one over the other.
Equestrian Punishment
"You really need to be punished", Tenkikun said to Fuzz. -"Oh, I do?" Fuzz replied. -"Yeah, definitely," replied Tenkikun, "I'm gonna punish you!" -"Oh... Okay." Tenkikun wanted to show Fuzz how dominant he could be. He was a fox. Usually, foxes...