The tragic tale of Bunny Fufu.
So she turned him into a goon. the moral of this story? wait for it... don't mess with the good fairy or you'll be hare today, goon tomorrow!
Infinite Loop
The goons were already turning with confusion palpable on their faces.
Open Season Chapter 01: Illegitimati Non Carbonum
The goon with the ax set it aside, then drawing a long stiletto and proceeded to slice her blouse open laying her chest bare. "eh boss, nice rack." the goon commented, carmine said nothing.
Shattered Freedom
Eight goons on his tail, hitting overdrive lil' darlin' jumped over the sparks. as the eight goons swerved, crashing into each other avoiding the burning debris. modo and vinnie blasted their way through a few more goons still standing.
Old Grudges
Your goons just had to knock me out, place me in the most cramped car imaginable and now i'm your 'guest', all tied up in this bloody chair. look, i'm sorry if i crossed you at some point.
Tales of the Scarlet Suns 8
One of the armored goons pulled out a sword and placed it against the fennec's throat, "yez, bozz."
The Adventures of Peter Gray chapter 12: Hansel and Edward
It was getting busy lately, and it wouldn't be long until gavin's goons came out to play. where to hide? i thought to meself.
Decisions and Sacrfice Open
Alone that is, except for three yellow dune buggies each with a tall goon sitting in it. the goons obvious trade mark of shaved heads with a single pony tail stuck from the very top. "with them outside, you know nothing good can be inside."
Jerk. - Coevolution 002
Please do not read if you are under 18! The following contains mature content not suited for general audiences. You have been warned. Levi leaves class satisfied with a project well done and makes plans to work on his own projects over the...
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 51: There Are No Happy Endings (Conclusion)
The goon said cuddling his sex toy. **_you will_ _remain here._** the synoptic ordered mr. thorn and the lion boy.
The Cat with No Home
The goons growl but eep when the woman pulls out a large automatic gun, causing the goons to pick up their boss with effort and run away with their tails between their legs. the woman sighs but smiles as the terrified girl.
Division 42, Ch. 6: Escape
When she appeared and started to slice at anyone in her way, that started the goons up and they swarmed us. the goons up top started shooting at us, killing anyone, even their comrades, to get at our group.