Welcome to the Herd
Welcome to the herd by william w. kelso ohhhh, it feels so good! i thought, my thighs slapping against the females rump as i fucked her, soooo good! and that was one thing that made it so horrible, that it did feel so incredibly good.
Joining the Herd
"here you go robyn, your herd uniform," dash said with a chuckle and a wink as he held out the mass.
Gangbanged by the Herd
The herd demanded respect and took what they deemed theirs. the lioness mewled faintly, clawing at the ground, bearing down as her arse was taking in driving, crude strokes. never again would she doubt the might of the herd.
Herding Shepherds
I'd never had $100 bucks before. I always spent it before I had more than twenty - usually on pot. My dealer always advertised better stuff, but I'd rather get sorta high twenty times than _really_ high once. But who knew Candy was stacked? If she...
A Herd for the Vagabonds
They could give them a new herd. a herd of vagabonds.
The Centos Herd
If you want to read the rest of the novel then you can find it on amazon.com at [the centos herd](https://www.amazon.com/dp/b07ssyxfvr/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=the+centos+herd&qid=1560303608&s=digital-text&sr=1-1) by peter archon.
For the Good of the Herd
Will she be able to come to terms with her destiny, for the good of the herd? **for the good of the herd** © 2015 benjamin j johnson, twisted\_trisk **pronunciation guide:** **crissa - cree sah** **drisden - dry's den** crissa liked her new home.
The Centos Herd
I walk over to the bars and say "hello beautiful, welcome to my herd."
Claude and the Herd
Claude would let the other herd stallions fuck him when they wanted to. which earl was good with. claude was kept very sexually satisfied by earl and the herd stallions.
The Centos Herd
I walk over to the bars and say "hello beautiful, welcome to my herd."
Completing The Herd
Dawn Bellwether was roused from her joyful, victorious sleep by irregular noises. She turned to the closet where her two captives should still be hanging, assuming it was something from one of them. Gathering a robe around her to guard against the...
Horse Story: The Werestallion's New Herd
The herd of horses nickered and whinnied around him, as if talking to each other about him and his transformation.