My Not-So Imaginary Friend

#1 of imaginary friend second story ever written on here - i'd love to hear some feedback. again, it's not something i'm planning in advance. i'm just writing as it comes to me. i hope you enjoy it.

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Part 13 - An Imaginary Friend

I decided to be a friend to him, an imaginary friend, if you will. we would play together, take walks together, sleep together. then unfortunately one day i had to leave.

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The Imaginary Kingdom (Poem #1)

Poem #1 of 20 okay so i'm currently writing a poetry book called "the imaginary poetry collection" inspired by my latest novels rise of the ryzuke and the imaginary kingdom, this is the first poem in this collection.


All Things, Real and Imaginary (AS "R")

"Hey there, pretty lady. Ain't seen you around these parts before. Ya mind if I join ya?" "Who, me? What would a strong, broad bull such as yourself want with little ol' me?" "I reckon I could think of a thing or two." Vic flicked at...

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Imaginary Monster, Friend Under the Bed

"an... uh... imaginary friend." pop grinned. "an imaginary friend who kept teasing you that he was gonna gobble you all up some day. sounds monstery to me." he winked. tristan blushed deeply, remembering that too as the words met his ears.

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Extended Loop Theory

These extra dimensions are imaginary, i.e. their length scales are described by imaginary numbers, and consequently they are not physical spaces. instead, their symmetries mediate the various interactions in physical spacetime.

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Miriam's Night Alone

She needed more, but her imaginary lover wouldn't give it to her. he wanted to drive her crazy with need and lust. panting, she whispered her need to the imaginary blue fox as he kneeled over her.

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Raymond's Toy

Raymond forced himself down on the knot, the imaginary wolf in his mind growling a 'good boy' into his ear while a pair of imaginary hands held him down.

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Sometimes, i sit here and ponder how my imaginary friend that i put on paper would act in response to an imaginary stimulus. how would combat would work if we could shoot flames from our fingertips?

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Self Pleasure

The pleasure was electric, firing submissive pistons within him as he pushed back against the imaginary dragon's cock, almost bouncing on his own claw.

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