Digimon A Normal Life

"but-" he began but was interupted by guilmon. "infact i think i should see what hes missing" guilmon said grabing blackgaomons arm tight.

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Alexia and the Cuckold. Chapter 2.

Kazu was interupted by john as he pressed his paw to his maw closing it shut " listen here, i fucked your wife hard last night and i enjoyed every second of it, i am not stupid i can smell sammy all over you, and on your sheath" kazu glares at the wolf for

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The Origin of Shadow - Chapter 1

Resdayn: "p-please be gentle" i was about to lick his tailhole to lube it up when suddenly the door opened and we were interupted by a messenger.

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Fun at the Old Chateau

Rochi was interupted by lucardevoir "so we've been walking all this way to see a boring run-down mansion. well, i think i'm just gonna leave."

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Misery Ch.2 School...

The creature interupted him, smirking at the eevee. "....this is gonna be a long day..." the creature burst into laughter from riley's comment. "hehe...

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Disease, Chapter 2

Billy interupted, his eyes brightening. "yes, a mission. i really don't have too much money, but maybe you could come alo-" "really?!? you mean it?!?" billy was ecstatic.

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Thunder In Paradise. (Chapter 2)

Bryan interupted, holding his mouth shut again,"i want to ask thunder out." viktor looked at his friend, his feline ears pressing down against his head slightly. "so.. please?" bryan asked quietly as he stepped back, letting go of his mouth.

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The Unlikely Friendship

But that was interupted by the sound of roaring engines and dump valves. he knew who the cars belonged too but befopre he could turn his head to look, he felt a long wooden object, probably a bat, strike the back of his skull.

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Training with the Best

"ummmm........... sorry for interupting but, i wanted to see if i could join?" he whimpered quietly. "realy?"

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Camping night

I stared at it while still struggled for what seemed like 5 minutes only to be interupted by a low growl that sounded like a person.

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the Plot and the Princess

These meetings were always trying, but considering what was interupted it was especially aggravating.

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Acadia's Curse: Chapter 3

I interupted you, didn't i?" he suddenly became somewhat bashful. i grinned, "yeah, it's okay. don't worry about it. and no, i just moved here today. i live in the apartment building down on minnow lane" he became preplexed, "really?

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