RP Game: Kinetic Roulette!

kinetic roulette! a fun little game where you roll a 1d175 using some sort of number generator device, each player rolls the 1d175 to gain a power to use.

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RaidenRaijin's Gnoll Offspring Ability Reference list

Omnikinesis...have all kinetic abilities 114. oneirokinesis...manipulate dreams 115. onychokinesis...manipulate your nails 116. opinokinesis...manipulate senses 117. osteokinesis...manipulate bones 118.

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Advanced Haptics

Included is: 1x kinetic bodysuit, 2x tracking boots, 1x magnetic walking pad with rotating base, 2x magnetic tether arms, and 2x tracking gauntlets.

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Of Mages and Werewolves

With his free hand he was already gathering pure kinetic power.

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Earth's Children: 'The Abomination'

The abomination sends kinetic tentacles towards dad but he builds up a massive ball of flame in his paws before sending it towards the creature. due to dad's surprise, it gets stopped by a kinetic force.

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Star Fox: Ascension #06 PACIFICATION

[theft of kinetic cells must be prevented.] the voice interrupted her thoughts. "it keeps telling me i can't let them steal the kinetic cells! that's all it cares about now!"

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Chapter 10: Awakened

With it i can manipulate kinetic energy, so those bullets you can bend cannot touch me." "kinetic energy, huh? something tells me this is not going to end well."

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Fall of the House of Farrington

Just one helluva big kinetic spark when, accelerated by the mass driver from orbit, it hit.

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Extended Loop Theory

Gravitophoton fields convert the energy of the dark energy field into kinetic energy of the coil, leading to propellantless propulsion.

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Terveta-Chapter 1: Warning (Part 5)

Pyro kinetics, arrow kinetics..."--gesturing to seth and crystal--"...what a rare package. and you two!" he boomed staring at the alpha and beta. "you throwing plasma and lightning while you throw force."

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The Protector chapter 2: A Night and Morning to Remember...

Does this kid have kinetic powers or something?!" garis stared. "well sort of... but i don't really use my kinetic abilities, i use more of my mana than kinetic." kie shook his answering for sonya. "mana?"

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 26

Marine heart lowered his arms and bared his teeth at confidence, "this is your kinetics? you're a novice!"

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