Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Challenging Victory Road

I sent out my ludicolo and against cradily i sent out my breloom. ludicolo defeated armaldo with hydro pump and breloom defeated cradily with force palm.

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Just a Game? - Chapter 3

"ludicolo, the -" the pokedex said. "that's all i needed to know," i said with a mouthful, stopping the pokedex from finishing.

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Brothers, or more? part 3

"then i'll just put you back in your ball for the rest of the night, and have ludicolo come out and join the party," chris said in a motherly tone. "jeez, don't have to be mean meanie," josh said sheepishly.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Mossdeep City and Shoal Cave

The second pokemon sent out was a whiscash as well so i substituted once more for ludicolo having him use energy ball defeating whiscash.

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The Shy Typhlosion

"but ludicolo is a carefree pokemon... wouldn't my personality change?" "it doesn't have to. that's just a stereotype. your personality doesn't have to change at all." "i guess that's true."

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Pokemon Travels Episode 1

He was collapsed right next to a very large ludicolo, in their own puddle of juice. shi could see from whire shi was how much his ass had been stretched by the intrusion, and smiled, knowing he had enjoyed it.

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Brothers, or more? part 4

"look i hate seeing you like this, i'll put you back in your ball and ludicolo will flood the park unless you man-up." chris said with a concerned tone. "n-no...t-th-that's ok..." josh said shivering.

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Brothers, or more? part 5

Its all my fault, i could sent out ludicolo and-" josh put his "hand" on chris' lips, stopping him from continuing. "it's not your fault, if anyone it's whoever arranged this, there weren't any guards to help us were they?"

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Leon- Beggining a journey

"meh, you're not meesseeng out on anytheeng speceeal," the ludicolo told her. xv leapt at the exploud and slashed him twice on the face. the exploud stapped back, covering his face and grunting in rage.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Preparing For Wallace

ludicolo had the advantage of being a grass type and that was super effective against water types. ludicolo could easily take advantage of that to take down his fellow water types. shiftry had been training recently with fellow grass type sceptile.

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Beyond The Spectrum: Chapter 2: The Meeting(That changed my life)

She eyed my confusedly, which cause me to studder like a ludicolo at ballet lessons; at least i wasn't falling over every five seconds. "i...i main it goes well with your fur and..." she pounced on me before i could even continue.

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Espy:Tales of a Femboy chapter 4

Inside espy saw the pumpkin patch field that umbrella mentioned yesterday along with a bunch of other types of gardens being managed by a decrepit ludicolo. once inside the group of gals were invited to the living room by max.

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