1 days of school (remake)
mat didn't mind being alone, he always loved to have a lot of space. mat felt that warm morning breeze flow against his black fur. mat was a wolf mixed with husky.
Casting Call
Scratching his head, mat began to notice the people acting strangely.
the days of school=2
Her name was claries, but mat likes to calls her c. " i cant seem to shake my depression off c". said mat. "well... is it still the same situation as last time"? she asked. mat makes a huge sigh.
mat looked up with a wry smile, shifting on the hard ground as he tried to get comfortable. taking a squat across from mat, lucas shook his head.
one genie and two humans
mat could definitely be considered goth, always wearing black, had piercings and always wore black eyeliner and kept his hair always spiked up. mat had a crush on cody but since cody was straight, mat would never bring this up to him. "what??"
Cat Sitter
mat's eyes opened, "i am sorry if that offended you in any way," mat started, "it's because i have feelings for you," mat continued. i looked at him, 'he likes me?"
It's a trap!
mat nodded, his breathing going course, but apparently that wasn't enough. "got me!?" the crocodile shouted, his foot putting more weight on mat's stomach. mat tried to talk, his voice not coming out, and shook his head as hard as he could.
Don't Be a Thief!
mat trailed off. "no more fighting, but you still have work to do," drake said. he sat down and stretched out his legs. he pointed, and mat wordlessly took ahold of one of his paws, and started to massage it.
The Farmhouse: part 3
Sam riles up and hits mat's torso with his hooves, mat tries to get back at sam, but never manages to get any hooves in the fight.
The Other Side Ch 4 (Complete)
Aela said, her words dripping with enough venom mat was surprised the grass around her didn't start to wilt. mat threw his hands in the air, exasperated. "fine, fine. i'll go get your stupid berries.
Thirteen Tales 2020: Tale 7
Whoever it was, they were inside soon as mat tried to hide beneath the controller. however, the controller was lifted up exposing mat and the stranger very gentle picked up by his tail using a pair of tweezers.
A furst life
mat tried to fight off his invisible attacker, it felt like he was fighting against an blanket that gave no way to his resistance. a arm came and grabbed mat's arm and his heart dropped at the sight.