The storms of Feralas
Haneo pulled out a helping of mutton for each of them, and the pair began to eat.
To_Tame_A_Wolf Chapter 3: Bloody Migraine
This is a pretty big mutton come here." kambran started to come closer to the fox as he sees of nothing but his red furred paw is placed on the beast's head, "if you stay still, it won't hurt."
Bars, Bards, and Beds
A burp sounded from his right as the still cloaked figure attacked another leg of mutton. zavian counted at least 4 finished bones and two flagons of ale. "i've never been here before, would you recommend the mutton?"
The Darkness...
Let me test you push your buttons serve you some mutton after all i'm a woman so the statistics are i am your slave basically. curl up in a ball the perfect little doll innocence turns to lust and the angel wings i once had turn to dust.
Magnalith Chapter One: The Festival
I'll take two muttons-" glacier tapped me with her wing, "three muttons please." she went and grabbed three mutton legs and handed them to me. "how much will it be?" i asked. "it's free for you," she stated. "what?"
SSAS (A Poem From Your Friendly Neighborhood Lycanthromancer)
Liquid kamikaze projectile mutton! dangerous, deadly, and vile, repulsive, don't get it near fire; it's highly explosive! spreadable, sprayable, aerosol spam™ tastes just like chicken, e-coli, and lamb!
Truffle Trouble
He reached out and gave one of eagen's mutton chops an affectionate scritch.
Pride Goes Before the Fall: Chapter 1
From the taverns and open-air cafes, the smell of cooked mutton and fish added to the already complex aroma of the golden city. the market district began to wane into the temple district.
The Time Between
I will bring a cut of mutton as well, as soon as i am able. but please, sit by the fire. this will all be prepared momentarily." the ruddy faced man disappeared.
The Shepherd
There were plenty of other things to eat - grass, deer, fish, but mutton was what they craved. not lamb - a cub was a cub, no matter the species. besides, weaning lambs sucked hard enough to make your tail curl!
A Gift of Fire, A Gift of Blood (2)
She sighed, stabbing at a piece of mutton. the food's fancy presentation belied the modest ingredients, the mutton sliced and fanned out over a bed of risotto. "and what they think your prospects are. but i know your prospects are a lot _more,_ mika."
Orion’s beatdown
Oooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuufffffffhnghggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh" his eyes derped, his ears got down, his legs tried to do something and his hands stretched all his body was trying to move from the knee inside of his stomach exactly in his belly mutton