I Could Do It In My Sleep

A deep, oscillating hum filled her ears, and instantly her bed attracted her with magnetic force. 'at least it helps with the sleep part' she thought, her last one, minutes before she lost consciousness.

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Heavy boots

Her scale-covered body oscillates like the tide with every breath. she's breathing slowly, and her face shows that she's planning something. her boots make a loud, recognisable sound with every step as she walks out of your field of view, behind you.

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Hypnovember 6 - Pendulum

With a flick of his wrist, the ropes which held the hammock kept the gentle back and forth oscillation going on their own. all the while, the charmed green dragon within giggled and snored, limp and satiated.

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New Skin

Miles, expecting this, tightened his coils, oscillating his scales to strip the dog of his clothing before lifting him into the air by his hind legs. "ah-ah-ah, my tricky little friend. i'm hungry." miles hisses, his maw open, fangs gleaming.

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Wolf Strain 7;9;42;50

The voices in the background were interpreted, by his brain, as a piercing, oscillation of rings and other high pitched tones.

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The Prince and the Dragon

A fairly simple looking cave from the outside, but lined with computers, wires, oscillating screens, whirring machines, and multiple generators along the wall.

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Gunther's Warlord 4

The warlord had long since left, but all jacob could see was that bulging cock-bulge bouncing up and down as the warlord walked; could see that hefty package oscillating left and right like... like something heavy and big that oscillated!

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Red Crystal

A group of spikes appeared on the oscillator, a strange waveform developed on his monitors... that wasn't just random interference. he'd never seen this kind of pattern before. could it be? marvin yelled in excitement.

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Kaa Encounter (Pt.4) Wet and Wrapped

Watching the coils oscillate and crawl around and up mowgli's body feeding into his neck was hypnotizing, as well as arousing for the once near-prey of the python.

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A Flat Coil Curved

He said, peeking back over his shoulder, only visible during certain parts of his rear oscillations. the bat stared for a long few moments, then realized he hadn't responded.

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The Rave Toy

He felt as if his entire bottom half was vibrating violently with the oscillations of the plug, his breaths came in desperate gasps as he found himself utterly helpless to do anything other than endure the painful pleasure.

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ULTRA random-ness

In a moment of disbelief, she realized that she had hidden the spanky me monkey right by her oscillating fan. 'wh-what? i don't smell anything..!' a lie. a funny-smelling look started to form on sky's face.

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