Jak & Daxter: Pet Project - Path of Leash Resistance
The ottsel squirmed and looked back at his boyfriend. a cool tinge of evaporation traced the tip of his cock as jak massaged ottsel precum around it.
Jak & Daxter: Safety - Chapter Five
The greenish ottsel cocked an eyebrow. "wastelander wendy doesn't believe in pants? or was daxter just too proud to wear them?" the shorter ottsel laughed. "doll pants are not made for the anatomically correct."
Troop Morale
I'm just giving you a crash course in ottsel anatomy!"
Some thoughts from the brink. ( supplimental)
Audio diaries, captured ottsels, recorded camera footage, all of it gives insight to what drove the ottsels to the mainland. here is but a taste. a red furred ottsel sits at a table.
Ottsel Rampage Revolution
Outside in the suburban neighborhood, furs walking by could hear the shouts from the ottsels' home.
A Vacation in Haven (Rocket x Daxter)
Rocket rolled over onto his back and grinned up at the ottsel before pulling him into a tender embrace. he gave the ottsel a gentle squeeze and smiled.
Jak & Daxter: Safety - Prologue
Spurt after spurt of sweet, musky ottsel seed splashed against her wiggling tongue. his curvy hips bucked against her mouth as she suckled his package.
Jak & Daxter: Safety - Chapter Four
Desperate, delicate ottsel paws clutched at tousled fur. he closed his eyes, knowing he shouldn't look. still, by virtue of his ottsel ears, he could hear everything. gasped pleasure and moaned entreatments stirred the silence of the bedroom.
"Outstanding motivation and dedication to duty..."
The ottsel smiled shyly. "i think this may be the best lunch break i've taken this year." koda rubbed his neck and looked away. nalz bent forward and grasped the ottsel's chin, forcing him to look at him.
Chapter 1) Closing Hours
It was dusk in haven city, and daxter and tess were just getting ready to close up the naughty ottsel. the naughty ottsel was daxter's bar, and he enjoyed all the attention one gets when he is the primary owner.
Jak & Daxter: Safety - Chapter One
For one, an ottsel on each shoulder never threw out his back like carrying just dax did. this earned him a few stray looks around town, but when you're the city's savior-on-tap, people cut you slack for being a budding ottsel hoarder.
The Brink: The day of opening.
On foot ottsels on half crapped out vehicals ottsels on hastily made make shift vehicals all began an exodus to the tower.