A New Phase - Chapter 5

The pension will be at a rate of $144,000 per year, paid monthly, plus accrued interest, with the pension funds for 60 years' value held in escrow against potential future changes in the company.

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The Fox General: March on Vulpezzia

Diverting resources to a war in the east will only piss them off and they can press-gang any veterans who have had their pensions denied into going on voyages to america. why should they support you?"

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Journey's Beginning

My grandson was killed in battle. but the army won't grant me his pension, i'm all the family the boy had." alexi shifted a bit and nodded, this kind of thing he would have to get used to for sure.

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From Elsweyr With Love (Epilogue)

We offered them a pension, but the wife refused it." "i'll talk to her. she's probably none to happy with the hmss right now." "do that, ra'jirra."

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Kinto Joins the Army

"we also have a terrific pension plan." kinto was about to complain, to squirm, to try and get away, but the orca's mouth was suddenly on his.

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The personal files Frank Timpson #2

** ** at this time she seems to be the only pension/digimon (we must come up with a name for these two new life forms) who can easily control axel in any of his forms or states of mind.

Reflections of the Past.

I knew he had a pension for domination but it had became a nuisance quickly and not only for me.

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Beta Testing (Anthro Wolf TFTG)

Make sure you spend your money wisely after you stop getting beginner's pension." at the bottom, written in script, are the words "thank you for being part of the tales of animalia, pina."

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The Fall and Rise of Kairuna Chapter 1

Twins, identicle and both jokers with a pension to boast when they should remain silent, replied in unison "fine, m'lo-" they had barely spoke when from a burrow to their right came a rushing of spiders. not the bothersome kind, neither.

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Sabhira's Daughter #36

In fact, i have set up a pension system that some of the money goes into. not enough for everyone, but as i said, many leave for various reasons of their own by then." | [!

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The Falls - Prologue

Leilani, still smiling and giggling, then motioned to the nearest youngster, a spotted-tailed armolin lad with a quiet demeanor and a pension for keeping to himself. "caleb.." he said simply.

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Bounty hunters can take on any job as long as they follow a set of rules, such as no blatant murder unless it's a convicted criminal or permission is granted by the local council, and bounty hunters must get paid for whatever job they take, and if no pension

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