my fursona and me part 1
I saw a anthropomorphic miniature pinscher or in puerto rico we call it a min pin.
Fortnight: Lightning Strikes the Family Tree
Under the chief executive order, puerto panuela became as quiet as a library during the day.
Kioga: Diaplomacy 1 - A Celebrity in His City
Called tyrants in onesies by some, and the velvet glove that changes the city by others, the city of puerto panuela has instituted a public decency task force which stays fetishistic public displays with a rather embarrassing apprehension and incarceration
Family Life: Honeymooners - Part 1 - A Secret
"well he said to wait till you all leave for your honeymoon in a couple of months, you'll receive your doses the day before you leave and your husbands will be at your hotel when you arrive in puerto rico," he explained and we nodded.
Timber & Arctic
Their odd influences taught the reindeer some common words from both of their native countries: mexico (sergio and milagros) and puerto rico (xavier). "you sure are learning fast, broderick." milagros smiley said.
Rexville 35: New Light
"it's the puerto rican version of eggnog, coquito. this stuff is often mixed with rum, but i asked my mom last weekend to make it rum-free." "oh! that's nice, so what is it made out of?"
Kioga: Diaplomacy 11 - Denouwouemont
It had been a fool's gambit by the original owner, thinking that puerto panuela's riches would trickle over into leakguard. the suburb wore its moniker quite well.
Capitulo 6. Unas lindas vacaciones (1 parte).
Nos organizamos y arrancamos, hicimos solo una parada a mitad de camino para desayunar, luego seguimos hasta el puerto del ferri en puerto la cruz.
02 Frist Day of Class
When i was little, me and my family were still living in puerto rico. i have 8 brothers and sisters and more cousins than i can count, right? well i was always the runt.
Lugo: One for the Birds
The city of puerto panuela was the core absorbent lining, and leakguard caught the piddles of society that puerto couldn't hold, wicking them away from the financial undercarriage (as to prevent poverty rash) and redirecting them to the dry county seat.
Restart / Alter Ego
Estaba dentro, ahora tenía que actuar muy rápido, busqué puertos abiertos en su cortafuegos, por suerte había dejado el ordenador conectado por la noche para descargar quien sabe que y el puerto del programa p2p estaba abierto.
Victernus - Chapter 1
The breeze picked up, caressing the short black hair of his distinctly puerto rican features. pressing some keys on the handles, the bike became invisible and he charged off to his lab.