Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Liza and Tate and Water Exploration
Next a swimmer sent out a staryu and i sent out my swellow having him use aerial ace defeating staryu. the second pokemon sent out was a sharpedo and i substituted for my swampert having him use hammer arm defeating sharpedo.
The Pokemon Journey -- Team Xaos and the Road to Pewter City
One of the xaos grunts had switched his ekans to a staryu. however, the staryu was no match for the arcanine, as the arcanine thrashed the staryu and throwing it against the wall.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 12, 13 and 14
The first trainer was a fisherman who sent out a staryu and i sent out my newly evolved raichu, whose powered up thunderbolt defeated staryu with a single hit.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Lilycove City and Mt Pyre
Next, i was challenged by a psychic who sent out a staryu and i sent out my ludicolo having him use energy ball which quickly defeated staryu.
My life with blaziken chapter 3
I yelled, no one took a second look, mostly because this was a regular occurrence, dennis knows i like the mudkip monthly because its the only newspaper with comics, though i suppose the morning staryu was ok, but it didn't have comics either.
The Greater Guide to Fucking Pokemon.
Capable of pinning you down with string shot, inserting your far bigger dick into that tiny little asshole, then riding you so hard you'll see staryu's, leavanny's and their butts are no joke. the fifth, was also a bit of a surprise. zangoose.
My life with blaziken chapter 5
"i like that one, maybe we could watch staryu wars, about the pokemon that can move things with their minds and wield lasers. "i thought that was starmie trek?" she said "did you really just say that?
Babysitting hell
Clefairy took both staryu and starmie on after even the grass type and the other pokemon failed. "does the clefairy have anything to say?" asked the reporter. pikachu turned off the tv and curled up, depressed and very unhappy.
The Pokemon Journey -- The Fountains of Cerulean City
The aquarium had sharks and fish of every kind, including water and sea pokemon like sharpedo, staryu, horsey, and seel. there was also a separate aquarium that had dolphins.
What Data Never Tells You
staryu and starmie were starfish in genes, so it was quick to settle that their severed limbs could simply reproduce other members of their kind from the remains.
Dark Descent - Chapter 1 - Culling the Weak
Rook said as staryu bloomed in front of his eyes, dancing somewhat erratically as they did. a shake of his and the playful starfish pokemon trailed back into the black waters of oblivion from which they had come.
The last Jarashkhan
"yes, i am over 2 million years old, my good health comes from being psychically imbued as well as the regenerative ability that i inherited from the creature which my kind evolved from, the staryu.