Unlucky Cats 04
"i'm a bit of a nerd really, love video games and syfy, can talk all day about most things like that." the ibex cleared her throat and gave sammi a look that told the cat exactly what she wanted, blushing hard sammi stammered. "oh ummm.
The Mutation
Believe me, i saw that syfy movie the other night." the idea of a dinosaur in a lab coat put a smile on my face for the first time that day. "well, you're certainly in a good mood this morning," lara said, eying my grin.
All I want for Christmas...
The 52 inch flat screen tv in the living room was tuned into some shitty syfi movie, franken-fish or something like that. i made my way over to the tan leather sofa while james went into the kitchen connected to the dining room.
Life in the Apocalypse: Epilogue
What if the virus is still dormant inside us and somehow got transferred to our child, just like in that shitty syfy movie!?"
His Father's Army Buddies - Part 2
And there's a good b-movie on syfy as well...oxymoronic as that statement is."
Enshrouded: Chapter 1 - The Dream
It was like something out of some sort of sci-fi movie he would catch a glimpse of on the syfy channel on tv.
A Good Enough Christmas Story
But that sounds like a hell of a syfy channel movie. first, there was sharknado. then, there was sharknado 2. then, there was sharknado 3. then...wait, you can all see where this joke's going right? okay, cool. anyway, then there was whore shark.
Forbidden Lusts
"i dunno, something something made for syfy." bit by bit he drew her attention to the tv and less on him or jennifer.
TransSentient (old file)
It sounded to each like something straight off the syfy channel! "i know, i know, i'll have to show you. but luckily, that's exactly what i plan to do!" another knock. this time a snake girl was added to the group.