Vol.1 Memories

We want to see dolphins, and experience the open ocean. most of all we want to relax away from all the crowds and noise. i'm cherri, this is val, tyra, and kitti."

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White and Black pt.1

Randy afraid of what he did and most of all afraid of kevin tried to get away from there as fast as possible the two dolphins followed suit.

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Into the Depths

"i want to go pet the dolphins!" the young boy exclaimed excitedly as he ran from tank to take that made up the main entrance to the park. "i heard you can even swim with them! can we go swim with the dolphins?" "we'll see."

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Tides that Turn

"you know," the man continued, "i left the animal shelter when i heard there were two dolphins in distress a few miles out. one of th' coast guards stopped by when the eye hit, saying he'd seen these dolphins separated from their pod and stressed out.

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To Discover

The dolphins face seemed very conflicted, fighting to find the words he needed. finally he had to look at orion for help and the two began a private conversation in aquatic.

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Animal Attractions

The dolphin's slick member slid along tristan's hand multiple times. each time, it seemed that tristan got more and more excited. all around the pair, the other dolphins watched. whirlpool suddenly got an idea.

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Milk, No Sugar

He pressed his beak in against the dolphin's groin, his tongue delving in, curling around the pink length and teasing it out, suckling it tenderly.

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The Eternal Bond

The owners of the craft had made a promise that you were able to see dolphins in the wild, or get a second trip free.

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Is there True Love? Part One

Daniel recalls reading that bottlenose dolphins are one of the most dangerous dolphins, so compared to him; she was more likely to kill someone than him. "don't mind her, she's always like that. always bossing me around like that, and others.

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The Eternal Emperor

Among the sleek water mammals swam several human children, their darker skin making them easy to discern from the light grey of the dolphins.

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Population Control 6 - International Waters

The dolphin's eyes widened slightly as he felt the rubber of the orca's groin press against his thighs, completely hilted as their mouths locked together in a deep kiss.

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