
There was a short, sharp popping sound and a second mew floated before him. she looked quite angry, and blue energy crackled off her form and around the room.

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The Sky and the Stars

They nuzzled gently against one another, and for another minute or so floated and stared out at the stars twinkling all around them.

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Theo's Assent - Chapter 5 [Comm]

He looked at grumpy who had slowly begun to float a few inches off of his bedroom floor. he looked down and saw that he too along with tenderheart was floating above the ground.

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Arc 1 - Pebble - 4: The Extensions

For j, the small form of klep materialised from her ball, the klefki floating and giggling as she floated around his head and jangled her keys tunefully before clipping herself to a little loop made for her on the back plate of the rattata's armour.

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Safe Harbor (2/3)

For a few seconds reynard floated there shocked as he felt water against his new rubber body for the first time.

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The two space floating dragons rumbled as they fervently kissed.

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It Started With Toast- Chapt 10

Looking confused he floated towards crunch and started to hit him on his head. "hey muppet, wake up!!" what happened next was so funny i fell off the thrown; crunch punched rok-ko and sent him into the nearby wall.

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New Trunks: My Trunks!

You're floating in the middle of the pool again, every time you try to get out you're dragged back. you open your mouth but instead of words you just scream as you're pulled all the way under the water before being allowed to float back to the surface.

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Computer Bloatware (Short Story)

She had officially lifted off of the ground, floating into the air.

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Summerwind's Journey, Part 1

Summerwind floated, aimless and lost among the power, the light, the darkness, and all they contained.... floating, walking, running, and staying still... falling, rising, and not moving...


The Blade Awakens

floating towards her, a crystal floated, whispering her name. the voice was soft in her ears and echoing a deep magic that she could not even begin to fathom.

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The Map To Everything: Chapter 3

He worked out in his head what could have gone wrong as he floated around. his flashlight on his jacket wasn't working, either. even the light on his watch was broken. he let out a sigh, "fuck.. emp."

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