Always Read the Fine Print AND Awakening

As the young man was suspended in the tank, he could only feel fear, or something like it, as his mind was not really feeling anything, it was simply focusing on survival.


Flare & Ember: Installment 3

He hustled out of the room, waving an "i'll be right back" sign, or something like it, and leaving the two fogged. ember had been pretty quiet, and it was clear now that she was thinking. which was quite unlike her.

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Living Large Ch: 4

Class was like having eternity passing bye, i was distracted by something and that all made it seem... worse or something like it.

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In Bed (HH)

He'd just clean his muzzle and go on at it, and hey, he'd even survived cobb's idea of a gay pride party, or something like it. i growled.

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Ordered Chaos

I have heard that line or something like it plenty of times, what makes you so different?" azure asked coldly, her voice hoarse from disuse.

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Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 9 (The Eternal Order)

He then carefully moved the doorknob to open the door and once it was open, he moved his head inside, ready to retreat it quickly if she was naked or something like it. he searched the whole room and then he found her, still sleeping in her bed.

The Kitsune Diaries #2 - A New Friend

He's a german shepard, or something like it. they've got really good noses...that's probably it._ _ _ el grins at me, as well. "that he is, kalt, that he is." "ahem." i say, blushing furiously.

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Fear Part 1

According to his record he suffers from some sort of night terrors or something like it. his mother tried to kill him on his first birthday. both she and her husband are in a hospital for the mentally ill.

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chapter 8- one friends betrayal, one friends love, one enemies end

She had expected him to have an embarrassed reaction or something like it, but he sighed gratefully, obviously he had had a different question in mind and was glad she hadn't asked him it in front of spyro.

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The Life of Blackfire

It carried around a white stick or... something like its head in its hand. it also had light brown skin. a stubby tail was out of its back and it seemingly looked... cute. the next one came in pairs.

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The Sidewinder

His name is vic, he's family, or something like it. "what's up, harris." "nothing much, vic. could you fix me up, long day." "the usual?" "that'll work."

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The Great Lion Debacle

We'd just about covered _macroenomics for dummies_ and _sitar for dummies_ when crystal sailed into the store, a takeaway coffee firmly in her hand as she clip-clopped into the shop like a runway model, or something like it, in her summery clothes.

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